Maybe a little bit shameless plug from me, but I want point to my Bash script for Linux to make the daily yt-dlp life easier:
yt-dlp-lemon -h
will show only a few options andyt-dlp-lemon -H
shows everything the script supports.Oh hey i saw you in the comments of a brodie robertson video
Haha, hello there. World is small sometimes. :p
If you use it frequently, I suggest getting a GUI that have profiles or remember options so you don’t have to mess with commands all the time. I wrote my own little command line wrspper which is Windows only since I don’t have Linux to test on. Though it shouldn’t take much effort to add support.
Makes it much more convenient when you don’t have to specify things like archive (ignore duplicates), filename to be “artist - title” (where possible), download destination, etc. Just alt-tab, Ctrl-v, Enter. And the download is running. And mine also has parallel downloads and queue for when you got many slow downloads.
If you like this article, please consider following the site on Mastodon/Fedi, email, or RSS. It helps me get information like this out to a wider audience :)
Your email link doesn’t work. Try it in Tor Browser with js disabled.
The email signup and user management panel needs JavaScript, yeah.
I tried to download some videos from Reddit using YT-DLP and it didn’t work, I think maybe because Reddit limited access
Reddit is listed in the list of supported sites. I just tested it with a random post video post on Reddit, and it downloaded the file perfectly fine (played in local player). My theory you either did a user error and gave a link that is not a video post, I’m not sure if posts that link to a video would work, I think the post itself must be a video post. Or you tested it when Reddit blocked yt-dlp. The yt-dlp team needs to update it first, then it functions again. YouTube does the same.
Make sure yt-dlp is up to date. I’ve been able to download reddit, YouTube shorts, TikTok, videos etc just fine
I made a script for grabbing reddit videos that’s been working pretty well for me, needs Babashka to run
#!/usr/bin/env bb (require '[ :refer [sh]] '[clojure.string :as string] '[cheshire.core :as cheshire] '[org.httpkit.client :as http] '[clojure.walk :as walk]) (defn http-get [url] (-> @(http/get url {}) :body)) (defn find-base-url [data] (let [results (atom [])] (walk/postwalk (fn [node] (when (and (string? node) (.contains node "DASH")) (swap! results conj node)) node) data) (some-> @results first (string/replace #"DASH_[0-9]+\.mp4" "")))) (defn find-best-quality [names audio?] (->> ((if audio? filter remove) #(.contains (.toLowerCase %) "audio") names) (sort-by (fn [n] (-> n (string/replace #"\.mp4" "") (string/replace #"[a-zA-Z_]" "") (Integer/parseInt)))) (last))) (defn find-parts [base-url data] (let [url (atom nil) _ (walk/prewalk (fn [node] (when (and (map? node) (contains? node :dash_url)) (reset! url (:dash_url node))) node) data) xml (http-get @url) parts (->> (re-seq #"<BaseURL>(.*?)</BaseURL>" xml) (map second)) best-video (find-best-quality parts false) best-audio (find-best-quality parts true)] [(str base-url best-video) (str base-url best-audio)])) (defn filename [url] (let [idx (inc (.lastIndexOf url "/"))] (subs url idx))) (defn tsname [] (str "video-" (System/currentTimeMillis) ".mp4")) (let [data (-> (first *command-line-args*) (str ".json") http-get (cheshire/decode true)) base-url (find-base-url data) [video-url audio-url] (find-parts base-url data) video-file (filename video-url) audio-file (filename audio-url)] (sh "wget" video-url) (sh "wget" audio-url) (sh "ffmpeg" "-i" video-file "-stream_loop" "-1" "-i" audio-file "-shortest" "-map" "0:v:0" "-map" "1:a:0" "-y" (tsname)) (sh "rm" audio-file video-file))
You might also look at gallery-dl
I don’t think I’ve had issues with reddit, as long as you use the link to the reddit comment thread, not one of the shortlinks or the video link or something else.
One of my favourite applications. I stopped paying for spotify and just use this to get music these days. Everything gets uploaded to youtube anyways.
Downloading music from YouTube will get you MP3s, but they will have gone through the YT compression algorithms.
Use Deemix instead. Downloads MP3s straight from the Deezer servers with all metadata and album art.
Discontinued in 2022
You’re right, but it does still work.
Ah. Well that’s what matters.
Deemix? More like Mix Deez Nuts!
I’m sorry.
That’s okay, it had to be done. would also be a pretty good choice, you can choose to download from either Deezer, Qobuz, Tidal, Spotify, Deezer or Amazon Music.
Then seed it on Soulseek as a webrip
No you have to edit the file for CD metadata and convert it to flac so you can pretend it was ripped from a CD, as is P2P file sharing tradition. Bonus pts if you put it through some filter to introduce a bunch of noise into the audio. Then ask in chat how you can convert a 128kbps mp3 to flac to increase the quality. Priceless.
Does it automatically grab things like metadata (author, cover art, etc.) for you? And if it requires a flag, do you know it?
For songs with metadata I recommend ytmdl
Unless the artist only posts on YouTube, try soulseek. Most files have metadata already included, and if they don’t, you can just download from another user.
Soulseek. Added to my notes. Will check it out, thanks
It’s very automatic with just pointing it at the media’s URL, but also highly configurable if you want.
May I suggest SpotDL specifically for Spotify:
Does it work anymore? I’ve been getting the 500 error while trying to use it for a couple of months non stop.
I’ve been using it recently without many issues
Huh. Wonder why its so finicky. Oh well, maybe I’ll give it another go in the future.
I don’t bother personally for the most part but it seems like you can do it via --embed-metadata, --parse-metadata, and --embed-thumbnail.
This is wonderful, I’ve been struggling with piped for some time now, it’s always asking me to sign in to confirm that I’m not a bot. Also it’s showing me videos in very low quality and often it stops loading halfway through the video. With this I get to see good quality videos once more, without unwanted pauses and without financing yt in any way. Great!
This is something I cant live without
What nutrients does it provide?
no not really. I can also live without it, id does not provide any nutrients just saves me time
Salt from the seawater
Does it work for movies that “require you to sign in to verify your age”?
agreed 💪
Used to DL a bunch of Peloton videos during a free trial then self-host on Plex.
yt-dlp is great, but if you need to archive playlists automatically, want a repository, or otherwise prefer a gui I would recommend TubeArchivist.
(Which itself uses yt-dlp)
I use parabolic on PC and Seal (on F-Driod) to download yt videos. Both are just YTDLP with a GUI because I’m not an arch user
It’s the main way I watch youtube now. After Piped and Newpipe stopped working for me across all devices, I only use 2 methods of watching Youtube now. Open in mpv (which is configured to use yt-dlp in the backend to make things faster), and download using yt-dlp. So it’s key to me keeping on watching Youtube. Recently, I’ve started getting ads showing up even on Mobile Vivaldi, so no more YT on my phone.
So my new workflow is to use Piped to find a video, then copy the end of the link and type “yt-dlp <C-S-v>” in a terminal, wait for the video(s) to download, and open in mpv.
In some cases, use Qutebrowser, with a custom keybind to open a video in mpv.
How often does that break?
Yt-dlp or mpv? Never.
Newpipe and piped? Newpipe takes about a week or two, to rebreak after a fix. Piped has been broken and not updated yet, for a while.
So my new workflow is to use Piped to find a video, then copy the end of the link and type “yt-dlp <C-S-v>” in a terminal, wait for the video(s) to download, and open in mpv.
Why not just pass the YouTube link to mpv so you don’t have to wait for the video to download?
I still have to wait a long time for the video to load in the Mpv cache, and sometimes I want a bunch of videos to watch later (or watch multiple times if they’re educational). In which case, I either open up a bunch of videos in their own mpv windows and they all load while I’m watching the first one, or I download them while I’m doing something else.
But loading a bunch of mpv windows is heavier than a bunch of terminals running yt-dlp (and I could also just switch to using tmux… which I probably should get around to at some point).
I still have to wait a long time for the video to load in the Mpv cache
In my experience the video loads in a few seconds compared to the minutes it’d take for it to download, but I get your second point.
Depends on the options mpv passes to yt-dlp—I personally have in my mpv config to grab 720p videos, so that it’s faster than downloading full quality.
Maybe just pay for YouTube Premium at at that point? It pays the video creators, and you don’t have to have a janky playback setup.
Why would anyone want to support one of the most evil companies in the world alongside though?
If you don’t like Google keeping a cut, then sign up for all the Patreons for everyone you watch.
Now this is a much better answer but some people still just can’t afford that.
Right, that’s why ads exist.
But they don’t exist without terrible data collection with illegal elements. Dry capitalism never ends well, mister/miss.
The two options for compensating a creator for their work online are advertisements or direct payments. There are no other functional alternatives. In a better world, more countries would have grants or universal basic income, but that’s not the world that exists right now.
Capitalism doesn’t change the fact that giant companies fundamentally lack the right to hijack my attention and implant their bullshit in my head.
Good news, there is a subscription service to prevent that and also still pays the creators.
Ads exist because people want to make money. So these bad actors go out and look for places where people like to spend their time, and they poison these places with their money-hungry practices. In the process they destroy the innocence of all these manifestations of human creativity, and manipulate people into buying shit they don’t actually need, effectively destroying the planet through overconsumption. That’s not even mentioning that ad-companies put us on a path towards a mass-surveillance society, just because big-data leads to more effective ads. I can’t help but see ads as a destructive force of evil in our world. I like human creativity in it’s many forms, and I’m all in favor of rewarding creators to a certain extent, but using ads seems to be the worst possible method of doing so.
(not intending to criticize your comments, just spreading the anti-ad gospel ;-)
I don’t like ads either, but they are the only functioning way of paying creators outside of direct payments, especially with economic inflation and competition from streaming services eating away at people’s budget for media. No one else has a solution that works under capitalism.
No matter how hanky this setup is, the official YouTube app is jankier.
It pays the video creators
Then why are almost all of them on patreon and ask for a donation?
Because it’s an additional source of revenue, and they can provide rewards outside of YouTube.
deleted by creator
Newpipe works fine for me. They always fix it almost immediately.
Yeah, but I use a fork called tubular so I can get SponsorBlock and ReturnYoutubeDislike.
Edit: Turns out I just missed that there was an update. Phone playback is back!
Try FreeTube.
I’ll take anything with a GUI instead.
All of the good video downloaders are just a wrapper for using this, so it’s not really “instead”.
It is for my dad.
Just teach your dad how to use CLI?
I don’t know if you are serious, but this made me chuckle.
JK ofc. I can barely teach my parents basic stuff.
I have been using Jdownloader2 for years… I don’t know what the differences are, but might be an option for people who want something GUI based
If you need a gui or are trying to monitor playlists I would recommend TubeArchivist.
Absolutely. Bar none. Here’s my config for downloading best quality YT videos (but works for other sites too) if anyone wants to base theirs on it: