Born too late to conquer the world
Born too early to explore the stars
Born just in time to have edits of my shitposts shared on a niche online community 😤(Jokes aside, I’m glad you liked/hated my meme enough to make an edit :-) )
We are truly living in a time.
crontab -e 50 8 23 9 * sudo ./
Unless configured to explicitly blanket allow without authentication I don’t think you can run sudo from cron
Yeah, they got the sudo placement inside out. You “sudo crontab -e” and put your commands there that need sudo, you don’t sudo the individual commands in the regular user’s crontab.
With systemd this would not be an issue , you just need to set up a timer for your service and some policy rules /s?
Should’ve used a systemd timer for this
I googled “suited” but I can’t find any daemons called “suite”.