Doesn’t Doug want to raise the speed limit on 400-series highways? A higher speed limit might have drastically worsened the outcome of this crash…
Next time wait untill he gets out of his own vehicle before you show him your front bumper.
The people who are driving recklessly and speeding don’t give a shit about speed limits.
I don’t want to comment one way or another on the health and well-being of Doug Ford in this particular instance, other than to say thank god he didn’t actually die, but for those of us who have had any regular experience driving on the 401, how are we fucking surprised by this?
The driving is absolutely atrocious even without dangerous, reckless and incompetent drivers, and our infrastructure and institutions basically are forcing more and more drivers to be on the roads, even when the science explicitly states that the only way to reduce traffic is to reduce the number of cars on the road, full stop. Do you think, by chance, that this would have happened on a train? A bus? I know that there are physical and logistical impracticalities of getting the Premier transported securely and safely outside of a dedicated transport vehicle, BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHERE WE THE PUBLIC ARE STUCK.
I’m sure another fucking highway to nowhere will solve all our problems…
Isn’t it obvious this only happened cause of those pesky bike lanes?
More highways built with less review will definitely solve this problem. /s
When I’m driving in Ontario, you’ll see me with 3 seconds-plus of distance behind the next car. I’m not taking any chances. I do go the speed of traffic, however. Sometimes an impatient driver thinks they’re passing a slowpoke, goes around and in front of me, but they end up still going the same speed, so they leave that space immediately.
I’m glad they specified man in the title otherwise I would have assumed it was yet another attack by the bees.
Thank god it wasn’t the yahoos.