It was Trump’s efforts that led to it being banned in the first place
Correct, the whole thing was a long con so he could look like the big damn hero
Congrats! I saved you from being punched (by me).
Probably gonna deal two for flinching and everything.
looks for tin foil hat
don’t let them fool you, tin foil hat is shorthand for crazy because it works.
Hasn’t even been sworn in yet, and they’re already sucking him off for doing nothing.
Jeffrey Yass, one of their larger investors, is an American and has spent millions lobbying to stop this. He is a Trump adjacent billionaire
I mean Google Play did disable downloading it with a freeze warning about the ongoing issue.
Sucking up to Trump is exactly what any company would do right now if they want to ensure further existence and business. Musk and Zuck flipped even faster.
tbh I don’t think it would have been that much different under Biden because he did say he wasn’t interested in enforcing the ban which means he was also probably trying to negotiate TikTok to give partial ownership to someone in the USA. Either that or he lied for optics which is also nothing new lol.
First video that popped up was AOC talking about how insidious this exact message is.
Damn that TikTok with it’s open algorithms giving balanced views!!!
Fuck TikTok and fuck trump. Tbh it was always weird that he was so against something I hated so much. It makes so much more sense for that scumbag to be cozied up to that bullshit
it was always weird that he was so against something I hated so much
He’s just jealous Gina is bigger than his
Yup, since Trump was the original one who sought to ban it in 2020 likely as a guise to get support under what people use propaganda for as a ‘common enemy’ . Then he appears to save it continuing the rescue from false claims for those who don’t see what is really happening.
See this video of how insensible people can be in the case of TikTok:
Biden signed the ban in April 2024, why’d he do that?
Because it was tied to a bill funding Ukraine, which was a wee bit more important than an app at the time…
Glad that worked out for him. Then why are people complaining?
Because I think people see this as the Democrats kind of self-owning once again. The Tiktok ban was something Trump started, and now he’s trying to make it seem like he’s the one that is saving it.
Biden stated last week that he wasn’t going to enforce the ban, and let the next president decide what to do, but people think he should have said that much earlier so that he could have taken credit for keeping the app up, and not given “the win” to Trump.
To clarify, I don’t agree at all with this viewpoint, it’s really stupid. Biden most likely couldn’t say anything about it until the Supreme Court decision was made.
Because he opposes the exposure of his genocide.
Make America China Again?
The US didn’t take action to block the app, Tiktok did. Maybe the government would have taken action eventually. It smells like a political plan, where someone at Tiktok agreed to block the app for 24 hours as a political favor.
I’m sure this has no connection with TikTok allegedly sponsoring Trump’s inauguration party…
I almost had a vomiting reflex. It is now pretty obvious that the whole thing was intended from the beginning to suck the small trump dick hard.
I never had tiktok and now have a superiority complex.
Imagine thinking that this is propaganda but that banning TikTok was perfectly reasonable. Lib shit.
It was Trump who proposed the fucking ban in the first place. I guess he can save us from himself!?
It is propaganda when the person who caused the problem solved the problem then expects an applause.
lib anything
This is how people know you’re as dumb as a loaf of bread.
i have not seen anyone who thinks that but if those people exist please respond to them instead of me, thanks
That makes no sense on the face of it.
First of all the ban comes from the legislative, who made a law and the judiciary who decided it applied in this case.
Secondly the executive might ignore their duty to enforce rulings for a while, sure, but that’s not a long term solution, and not a big achievement.
Thirdly even Biden’s executive was not enforcing the ban, apparently fearing the optics. Now we have gone from Biden’s executive not enforcing the ban to Trump’s executive not enforcing the ban. So there was no effective change.
Tiktok is just doing some political maneuvers here. They were the ones denying access for the last 24h for the optics. Not out of respect for the court’s decision.
It’s literally just China destablizing the US, same as it’s been for years. It doesn’t have to make sense. Weeee 🙃
China or America just shooting itself in the foot with Trump?
Little of column A, little of column B. China’s going to throw fuel on the already burning fire wherever they can.
spot on
It was so odd that they didnt mention him in their goodbye as he was the one who started that train a rolling
Also odd that they self banned, Biden explicitly said he wasn’t bothering to enforce.
So TikTok blocked themselves just to suck up to Trump.
they did mention him :/
this was the first message that came before the one in OP
OP meant that it’s odd they didn’t blame him for being the reason that a law banning the app was even considered, since he started that train rolling while he was in office.
nah i get it i was just adding more sad snark. thanx for adding clarity tho :3
He’s literally not even president yet
Just when you thought trump’s dick couldn’t get any smaller.
And somehow keeps getting sucked. Fuck this stupid country. Wish I could leave.