You remembering you only have 4 HP in real life.
You have 4? I only have 2!
Sure but a 75% chance it isn’t fatal and I can just sleep it off.
Plus I get death saves, right?
NPCs don’t get death saves. If you’re a player character you probably already have more than 4hp. Unless you’re a wizard with 6 or 7 constitution… If you are a wizard can you teach me some magic tricks?
It was kind of wild going from D&D to games that don’t have tons of HP.
Players make different choices when they have a maximum of 7 health, and a random mook with a baseball bat hits for minimum 2, maximum “well if the dice keep exploding…”
But as a commoner you only have 4hp
So you can survive up to three stabs, but not four.
Or more hilariously, 18 full seconds of being attacked.
18s isn’t even the maximum. If you are stabbed by another commoner, they have only a chance of 65% to hit your ac, so the average damage per turn is 2.5*0.65=1.625
On average, you would survive 12s and become unconscious after 18s, dying after 24s from two more direct attacks