Not just him, but they found his wife and dog dead too.
Super weird…
Maybe she passed first and was sole caretaker?
Why are you posting this everywhere?
What do you mean by this?
Me? That person is posting that exact message in every thread about it
Yea wow. The article quotes the wife as ages 64 or so. Kinda weird if you ask me.
On Hackman, I recall Morgan freeman saying that he was the only actor that scared him, that when Hackman’s character was angry and aggressive at Freeman’s, he was convinced that the aggression was real and instinctively scared accordingly. IIRC, he said Hackman was the only one he’d seen who had that acting power.
Could be carbon monoxide or something wierd. You never know
I think the wife od’d on pills and Hackman fell and never got back up, while the dog starved/dehydrated from being trapped in a closet.