Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent Republican congresswoman and a staunch ally of Trump, suggested a return to “measles parties” for children. She criticized contemporary attitudes towards vaccination, stating, “Now, they demonize parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids.”
i had no sympathy for anti-vax adults during covid, their choice to risk their lives. But children with basic vaccinations? their parents are taking the risk and the ones that didn’t choose are getting the consequences
One side takes the risk, the other side faces the consequences.
Are we still talking about parents/children? Because that also applies to republican politicians/everybody else
Just had a thought. What if we took a insignificant amount of the virus and injected it into people. This would allow them to develop antibodies so that if they do become exposed they are ready to fight it.
Probably safer then just exposing people to the virus. Could also do it to enough people that it virtually eradicates the virus.
Just an idea. We would also have to do a bunch of testing and have a bunch of regulations around it. Just to prove there isn’t any unwarranted side effects.
I have a better idea. What if we take the genetic code of the virus, inject it into people and have their own bodies produce many more virus particles so they get a stronger and more targeted immune response? Who knows, someone could win an important prize for that.
I read this comment and became autistic. Becareful people science makes you spicy.
If something like that worked, scientists would have done it by now.
Youre right. Sorry. I’m so dumb.
Ben Franklin was anti-vax, but came around. Also these fuckwits are so dumb that they don’t know vaccines have been around throughout when America was “great” and way beyond.
In his defense, in 1721 vaccines were really a new unproven technology. And if you don’t know it works, or even what causes diseases in the first place, it’s reasonable to be skeptical. It’s also reasonable to change your mind when you see it does really work.
And, without the context we have today, I could see how it might be kinda counter-intuitive.
What if we took a insignificant amount of the virus and injected it into people.
That’s called vaccination. At least, that was one of the original methods. You can use killed virus, weakened virus, a related virus that triggers the same immune response (for example, cowpox for smallpox), or a selected part of the virus that will trigger the immune response but is not capable of infecting you. The last is the most common method used now because the weakened-virus approach can go badly wrong.
That comment clearly is a joke that references that
This sounds like witchcraft. J/K
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. What a timeline to be in right now.
I was a kid when they were first developing the vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella (we called it German measles). So my brothers and I all got every one of them. I remember being sick with them, and with one of the measles types (don’t remember which) I was so sick I though I was gonna die. I’ll never forget lying there, even thinking of certain things made me puke (or dry heave) so I had to concentrate on not thinking of anything. I remember puking so hard it came out my nose. One of my brothers was so sick, his fever was so high, they took him to the hospital.
Do parents really want to put their children through this instead of a shot? WTF
Long before there was a vaccine, I developed meningitis from a measles infection. Luckily my parents weren’t idiots and took me to the hospital. I ran a high fever, had febrile convulsions and hallucinated. Afterwards, I was over-sensitive to light for at least a week. Anyone who would inflict that on a kid belongs in prison or worse.
deleted by creator
should be child abuse
Just some of the ones that were vaccinated against measles.
I assume it’s more about the parents high-fiving each other over really sticking it to the man or something. It’s just one of the results of rampant anti-intellectualism. The kids are just a random collateral in that circlejerk of those brake pads of evolution.
I don’t think it’s that. I think they’ve been brainwashed by anit-vax propaganda into truly being afraid of vaccines, combined with not understanding how severe these diseases are and how serious the consequences of not vaccinating can be.
We need to make it a priority to teach critical thinking skills in schools.
bet she won’t be censured for “decorum violations”.
Stupid bitch.
I wish them all a very happy and well deserved outbreak.
She needs to be censored and imprisoned.
Nurgle cultist. May measles spread and give new life from the dead and rotten.
Measles isn’t fucking chicken pox…
Don’t even take chicken pox lightly. It gives you shingles later in life. I have epilepsy as a result of getting chicken pox.
Chickenpox is also pretty dangerous to adults, they cause similar issues like an adult getting measles or rubella, and it’s capable of causing pneumonia and orchitis( infertility), there is a small chance it can cause brain inflammation much like shingles can
I know, lots of my family members got shingles
I had shingles around 19-20ish, if I had it older it would’ve been more severe. Although my rash was small the symptoms affected my spine, as I noticed I had back and neck pain and my whole back was very stiff. It was this close to becoming meningitis . Most people don’t get spine symptoms, since it’s considered uncommon
So arrest and jail her
She is massively psycho. She’s the same shit stain that harassed teenage survivors of school shootings. Clearly she doesn’t give a shit about kids.
Pro Life only until it’s born, then fuck that Life
They aren’t pro-life. They are forced birth. It isn’t about the baby, it’s about power over women.
They’re not going to learn until they’re charged and convicted of homicide.
To be honest. They not going to learn until we address the people who enable her. The useful idiots, the ones who promote her for their own gains. Psy ops.
The courts are corrupted. It’s up to us to hold them accountable.
Murica! Fuck yeah!
It’s so weird that they don’t want abortions to be legal but they basically want spontaneous death to happen after birth.
Yay, baby gambling!
But on the serious note, they want poor to be confused, miserable and desperate. They themselves take all the best healthcare, all shots and boosters, but they want for pandemic to happen because it would occupy ordinary people’s minds and also give the government additional abilities to control everyone, while the collapsing market would once again benefit the rich and make poor even poorer. There’s no downside for the likes of MTG, Trump and RFK as long as they are in power.
That’s because they aren’t pro-life, they’re pro-birth. After you’re born, unless your parents are rich, you can fuck off and die in a gutter for all they care.
“Life is a sacred gift” but housing assistance or healthcare for all is a bridge too far? Lmao.