Regardless of the poll numbers. Dont forget to vote!!
You can vote most days at most Elections Canada Offices across Canada before April 22nd. There’s also the advanced polling days as well and other ways to vote.
Ways to vote ->
Keys dates related to the upcoming election ->
Honestly what is the point. The liberals are just going to be more of Justin and Pierre trump lite. I was hoping Carney would be a nice change for the liberals but nope just a new face same shitty party.
People said the same about Kamala vs Trump and now the US is fucked. Now is not the time for apathy.
As a reminder, poll numbers fluctuated wildly in the US last year before the election, and many of them had Kamala leading by a wide margin. She had all the main celebs endorsing her. Virtually no reputable person was promoting Trump
Canadian polls have historically been fairly on it, 338 maintains a rating for each election. Helps as well that we do have a fundamentally different system being a Westminster style parliament, national aggregates are nice but your riding is the one you should pay the most attention to.
And always, yeah, vote, early if possible, it’s super easy to vote in Canada. Linking how to vote specifically for unhoused people as it also has information for how to vote without id.
This is nice and all but I really want to end FPTP eventually.
Conservative support is strongest among the poorest and least educated. It’s always a bit odd how Conservatives gain support among these groups whom they absolutely have no intention of helping. But I guess they are the ones most likely not to be thinking it through too carefully. Just “taxes bad, immigrants bad, trans people bad.”
That phenomenon is called false consciousness.
Disclaimer: Not Canadian, perhaps I’m projecting :)
Pleas don’t mix up uneducated or poor with stupid: without the education necessary and the time to perform a critical cause/effect analysis it’s near impossible to do. Only chance is again historic education.
The conservative message is really really easy: “this X is the cause for all your problems!”
And at first glance it’s easy to agree: I have a bad job. An immigrant has a better job. Of course they are the cause for me not having a job!
That’s the conservatives weapon: they simplify their lies until you need time and effort to see through it - or learn from the past. They make sure that the poor don’t have the chance to either and the cycle continues.
Personal note: fuck them. In every country, for every lie for every “policy”.
Yea, I don’t get why the poor supporting conservatives who would cut all the social support programs that the poor needs.
Start seeing this “both sides are the same” followed by “may as well just stay home” posts which ring like the cons bots/ trolls astro-turfing trying to swing the election for conservative. Happened in usa and now it’s happening here in Canada.
I’m not going to be one of those usa voters who decided to vote for Jill Stein because “Democrat is not perfect”. They (along with those who couldn’t even be bothered to vote) are partly to blame for the second trump regime. Canada sovereignty is at stake. Our way of life is at stake in this election. Until we got an electoral reform to replace “First Past the Post”, I am going to continue to vote strategically against conservative. pierre and conservative win will be a nightmare for Canada because they cannot be trusted to put Canada and Canadians over usa, billionaires and corporations’ profit.
NDP is dear and near to my heart but in this coming election, I’m voting for and donating to my local Liberal candidate.
Sure but during this election what do I vote for? More of Trudueau or the right. Carney seems to have the same issues as the Democrats down south they can’t and won’t change. Brining back people who had cabinet positions and where responsible for the mess we are in is a mistake.
Oh yes let’s vote in our little submissive trumplover then so he can remove qualified people from positions for not being white enough then we too can disappear people for free speech, have planes fall out of the sky, and also ignore what operational security is and lie about it because it’s going so well down there. He would have us join the us and then give away our natural resources for free, and have us follow their recession so long as it put money in his pockets.
How very educated of you.
I know. There’s no perfect answer, especially under FPTP. But holding your nose and voting strategically isn’t the worst thing to do just to buy time, prevent the utter destruction of the public institutions, preserve free expression, and slow the rise of the far right. The USA shows us that in hindsight a strategic vote can look more clearly like the thing to do than it did at the time, even when it’s a vote for wishy-washy liberalism. I consider myself further to the left than any mainstream party in Canada, yet I look at the USA and think they would have done a lot better to re-elect the (genocide-supporting) Democrats. It would have been more neoliberal imperialism, but it would have bought time for the people to organize against fascism, and perhaps for the fascists to make mistakes and lose support, that the USA now doesn’t have.
I don’t like to be saying this, but a strategic vote may be more necessary than ever this time. I don’t want my friends and family persecuted and disappeared off the streets, academics censored, science defunded and suppressed, and public institutions systematically dismantled, as is happening in the USA, and Poilievre intends to lead us in that direction.
I would literally jump for joy if Polievre loses his seat as the latest from EKOS claims. And I know it’s EKOS but EKOS was an outlier and then all the others caught up to what EKOS is saying.
Man I wish we could use the same colors. Thought this was US and was totally confused for a second.
The US only “standardized” the colours in 2000, it has a long and confusing history of mixing it up themselves.
It figures.
It’s interesting how the older you are, the more you’re likely to vote Liberal, and the younger you are, the more likely you are to vote Conservative.
Cause young people can’t fathom paying taxes on the shitty salaries/wages they are getting so those who vote, vote con. Little do they know the less you earn the less taxes you pay. Comparatively.
Of course the ultra rich pay next to nothing so that has to change.
I felt like that too at the begining, then I learned that people are better together.
Looks like the older folks are going to save our country like they did with BC.
Used to be the opposite! These things seem to go in cycles.
Hopefully Liberal minority
A liberal majority under a red Tory leader is the second worst outcome we could get. Hopefully we can dodge the worst and second worst outcomes.
My thoughts as well. I’m already tired of the neoliberal bullshit and trickle down economic rhetoric.
Great, another 4 years of absolute nothing. 🤦🏻♂️
Better than four years of walking backwards
Four years of nothing will put the CPC in a strong position for the next election.
Yep it we’ll be four years of the same. But who knows the CPC had this till Trump got in and now Smith is opening her mouth.
No thanks. Not voting liberal he had his chance to be different and is just bringing back people who fled Justin. He should have distanced himself from those cabinet members but nope. Not that my vote matters the conservative are going to take my riding.
A life time of doing nothing while expecting something.