Prepping. I’ve found some comfort in aquiring things and skills necessary to hopefully survive through various plausible scenarios. This initially started because of climate change but with current politics, I’ve tried to expand on those ideas. I’m not trying to go full doomsday crazy with it but I’ll be a few steps ahead of the general population as things continue to get worse.
So… you’ve acquired a particular set of skills? Skills that nake you a nightmare for anxiety?
Digging/hauling/lifting/mixing in the garden until my mind quiets. I have learned to stop before reaching the point of exhaustion when the anxiety actually returns and ramps up higher. I now have all the annual garden space I can manage by myself 10-15 hours a week, but I’m adding more space. Also therapy, venlafaxine and buspirone.
Maintaining paper notebooks and almanacs and a giant crazy-wall of Post-Its is very fruitful and calming.
Box breathing, meditative mantras, using my anxiety journal
Box breathing, is that like breathing into a bag? Isn’t that destructive?
No, it’s a technique where instead of breathing in and out normally, you inhale slowly for five seconds, hold with full lungs for five seconds, exhale slowly for five seconds, then hold with empty lungs for five seconds. Keep repeating, gradually increasing each of the four “sides” of the “box” evenly as you’re comfortable. I usually do it in combination with a mantra, so instead of counting seconds I just say “Om” three times.
Repeating a lot of what’s already been said here, but I’ll list what’s worked for me so far. Strenous exercise, lifting zone 2 cardio for an extensive period of time. Spending time in nature hiking/camping/going for walks in the park or around the neighborhood. Journaling has been a huge help for me personally, just helping me keep track of things I’ve done keeps me from feeling anxious about getting enough accomplished, and to get troubling thoughts off my chest. Prayer/Meditation/“Ritual activity”, whatever you want to call it, bullshit or not, it helps calm the mind.
Internal Family Systems therapy and meditation.
“What is dead can never die” no emotion having mother fuckers.
You should read more about it. The capital “s” Stoicism, not its malignant little brother, stoicism.
I quit most algorithm based social media.
Well, i probably don’t recommend this, but a concussion I had a few weeks ago seems to have really helped
Oh wow… this is definitely not something to consider.
My husband had two in quick succession, and it’s made him worse.
I’m glad you found some relief!
Amazing, can you share where exactly I need to bonk my head for this?
Well, that’s kind of tricky. I landed face first on ice. Must have stepped on glare ice and ate shit.
Forehead was all cut up and it hurt the most between my eyes for about a week and a half. It was actually bad enough that they made me take off work.
Oof I’m sorry, sounds super bad. It’s interesting because I think the frontal lobe is exactly what would make someone overthink stuff or worry too much. So, I’m still considering it ;)
Yeah, i don’t recommend it.
I’m pretty sure it’s temporary, as I’ve felt small bits of stress.
I’m also concerned about the effect it’s had on problem solving. Mostly that some things that just don’t make sense I don’t bother learning more like I used to.
Wow, thats interesting!
The brain heals and changes, right? I wonder if theres an opportunity here to forge new mental habits (no idea if its too soon or not - rest was always a big thing with concussion, i gather that hasn’t changed?)
Talking to others about the things I’m anxious about, not just before or after the fact but also while I’m anxious about something.
Reminding myself it’s ok to be me, it’s ok to feel anxious and that I didn’t choose to be anxious and am not to blame for my anxiety.
Taking moments during the day to just breathe, follow a guided meditation or write down my thoughts. It makes me feel calm which makes the anxiety much more bearable.
Music and singing, nature and pets, laughing, hugs, sometimes crying if I’m able to. The main thing which makes it better is time, sometimes existing in discomfort is necessary for a while.
Anxiety is horrible with ADD and chasing negative thoughts.
Running helps me to focus and practice the mindfulness that they keep saying is good for anxiety but for people with focus issues is damn near impossible to realize.
Yes this! My anxiety and internal thoughts were driving me crazy during COVID and that eventually slipped into depression. My wife suggest we try biking to get out and get some exercise and it really helped re-align my thoughts, focus on something other than work, and helped me to set goals/tasks for my next ride.
Exercise is very beneficial imo so I’ve been recommending it to anyone that tells me they also suffer from ADHD
Here, these may help some others:
The skill is learning how to identify these loops, how they are triggered and how to get out. The easiest way to get out of them is distracting your central nervous system. You can do this with those methods above, going for a walk or holding ice for 30 seconds. Things that recenter you out of your head into your body. Over time you will learn the triggers as you get better at stopping the loop. HALT is my best friend these days.