Hearing the movie is getting bad reviews. But Snyder says the director’s cut will be a completely different movie with a different vision. I admit Zack Snyder’s Justice League (director’s cut) was much better than the theatrical version and quite different (though I had mostly forgotten the original by then). Not sure if I should just watch this movie now or wait for the director’s cut for a better experience. Impression Blend on YouTube said it was ok.

  • atempuser23@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    For the justice league there was a different director. Why the hell wouldn’t this movie, where he was the director, be the directors cut. Was there some kind of public split with netflix?

    You should just watch it. It’s fun to watch. It’s not really deep, but there is lots of action and it looks great. There are 15 characters but only 3 are developed hero and 2 villians. Most of the characters have no effect on the film and could have been 100% cut out with no loss of plot.

    I liked the worlds and the development of the main conflict. The action was on point and the main character was well acted.

    • Evotech@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      You should not watch it, it’s dreadfully boring. Just watch the trailer to see the big fancy world building cgi that is like a couple of shots.

    • echo64@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      The final cut of a movie is often not the directors cut. The director gives the studio their cut, and then studio executives get to do what they want. Good execs with good directors know not to fuck with a good thing. But if the movie the director hands in stinks or if some bad audience previews get execs scared all kinds of things can happen

      Basically, this is why the idea of a directors cut even exists. Because what you see is rarely what the director handed in when they were done.

      • ChicoSuave@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        But this is streaming and Zach Snyder was hired on the premise that he delivers his vision. There is no studio jumping in to make cuts.

        Studios view the movie as a product. This process has a physical requirement to consume it of 2 hours. The point of cuts is to have more screenings in one room rather than hiring 2 rooms to show the movie. That studio integrity is met with frustration when they keep a movie as the director intended and the theater has 4 screening per day because it’s a 3 hour movie with 15 minutes between showings for cleaning.

        Movie theaters are also putting pressure on the studio for short movies because they want people to move through the theater. Movie theaters don’t care about what they show as long as it brings in bodies who will eat and drink concessions. The movies are the feed and people are the cattle to be processed as quickly as possible.

        The theaters want a shorter movie and the studio wants a shorter movie, so really the only person who can hold up the idea of a long movie is the director with the promise the movie will guarantee repeat viewings despite the smaller number of screenings. And Zach Snyder can’t make that promise.

        His movies are the narrative equivalent of a Michael Bay movie - except Bay has better narrative and understands how to build tension. Snyder is incapable of making a low budget movie about genuine people. He is only talented when picking the color of blaster shots. His characters are trash. His plots are boring. His camera work nearly incomprehensible. There is no amount of work he can do to make his original cut work because there is nothing of substance that was cut out.

        • echo64@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          Streaming studios are still studios, and they act the exact same. Yes, there is a studio jumping in to make cuts. Of course they are. The man is saying there is a director’s cut.

          • Augustiner@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Usually I’d agree with you, but Snyder said in interviews that there weren’t any demands from the studio for cuts. He just wants to make an R rated version and Netflix likes the publicity from having a Snyder cut. It worked for DC, so they use it as an advertisement to generate buzz around the movie.

    • Lanusensei87@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Batman v Superman also had a “Director’s Cut” in the form of the Ultimate Edition, with additional scenes/context that weren’t suitable for the theatrical release due to length. Now that one wasn’t a radically difference movie, but it seems to be a recurring struggle Snyder has lately.