Made you wonder to huh? Best of luck out there hunting friend.
Made you wonder to huh? Best of luck out there hunting friend.
Jerboa has treated me well. I tried others but Jerboa is similar to Baconreader which is what I used in the olden times
Love at First Sight, lol
Yeah I was just agreeing. I’m bad at being supportive sometimes haha
I really hope to see a front page for all media post some day that just titles. FREEDOM IS DEAD
We weren’t all that free before, but we are becoming less free day by day
Yeah he doesn’t have the legal ability to reverse the sanctions because that power would have resided with the legislature. Instead he is disbanding the people who would normally perform the objective decided by the legislature. This alone should be enough to show the legislative branch he should be removed at all costs, but they will not. They will allow him to make acts against the country under the guise they are acting as if the moves are for “their party” and not against what the people voted for. Slowly but surely letting power slip from the legislature. A dictatorship is growing every day.
I hear Luigi is starting Luigi coin, where 80% of the coin is held at first by himself and the other 20% available. Slowly he will introduce more into the market
Things I’d like to put in a sturdy balloon or wrap in aluminum foil and blast out of a canon for $200 Alex!
Thanks for this comment, this actually made me want to play with one where I had kind of just waved it off before. Any recommendations for one that is very light weight and can be used offline. Wait times are fine but those configurations I’m sure I’ll need to find a reference manual for.
I was thinking maybe cold scotch rocks. Apparently not though.
A couple hours ago my dumb ass picked 3 eggs out of the coop and saw I needed to move a chicken inside their area because we’ve had coyotes near at night (I open it in the morning) I thought, just move carefully, put the eggs in my pocket and picked up the hen, put her inside and shut the gate. That’s when I felt my pocket being wet. One of the eggs got crushed in a loose pocket. 2 things I learned. The yolk stays in your pocket, and I’m terrified of putting a kitten on a pocket.
Trump was a Democrat as well until Putin told him he could be a dictator instead. Note he stated in several interviews he talked with him directly and indirectly. Said he met him in person during interviews in 2023-2014 time period. Then when he ran for president both Trump and Putin both went to the narrative they had never met before.
I still don’t completely understand how online purchases for such end up working out. Say I buy a dog kennel. The dog kennel was purchased by an importer who pays the tariffs directly to the Treasury, and they mark the price of the product up when they sell it to me so they cover their lost profit. Maybe I misunderstood you last sentence, but no one should be having to ask China to pay anything as they didn’t have to pay anything more or less. They could reduce their price to help incentivise the purchases made by the importer to avoid lost sales, but they should only lose sales if the kennel was less than 25% difference in price to start with. Which a lot of importers seem to be saying that the price is usually 300%.
Idk, time will tell
A quick search shows on average a box at the Superbowl costs between $750,000-$2 million.
The President makes $400,000 a year.
They can’t sit in the stands, so the reality is no president should be able to afford to go to the game.
There are a lot of steps before that happens. They are much more likely to end up killed than imprisoned by the looks of things.
What did she say that was moving to his right?
She was an idiot for making it appear she was going to keep things the same, but I doubt she would have. She was basically looking at “more people than ever before in any election ever voted for Biden” and he’s decaying and I need his voter base to win, so she didn’t want to speak poorly of him
Edit: for info, Biden had almost $4 million more votes in 2020 than Trump in 2024 while the population grew by 6 million people. Meaning as much as the GOP is selling that Trump did historic things in voting, Biden was vastly more popular than Trump
Throw in: percentage wise, Biden beat Trump in 2020 more than 3x as bad as Trump beat Harris in 2024. Yet they call it a historical or “huge” win
Seriously, the government knows how old you are. Birth certificates, IDs, taxes, insurance, school requirements, requirement to sign up for the draft if you are a man by 18. They know where you live and how to find you. Most people down to a ~10 meter radius at all times unless you don’t have your phone on you. Everyone should be automatically registered for presidential & VP voting. If you have an ID then they recorded your address to acquire the ID. You should be automatically assigned to that addresses precinct/district/county/state/federal officials that come from that area. If you do not have an ID, you should be able to go online or in person to submit a proof of address for free. If a person votes twice, it should flag the federal government for having 2 votes from the same individual, the state, county, district and precinct without an issue. All precincts have cameras and you aren’t allowed to wear face coverings (hair allowed) when voting. This means when you receive a ballot there wil be a recording of you being present. If the person attempts votes twice, they can confirm if it was the same person or if someone was trying to vote in their place.
Up the voter fraud charge to minimum 10 years in prison unless coerced and fully cooperate in apprehending whomever did such; who should be charged with the equivalent of treason. (Life in prison, or the death penalty… Not my personal choice, that’s just the penalty for treason federally).
I’d say more but I’ve already rambled and I’m sure I’ve said enough to find dispute in many.
At first I thought it was a knockoff of Morgana Pendragon from Merlin. But I’m not sure