The cop’s baton is technically a type of club. I guess his name is Sam.
The cop’s baton is technically a type of club. I guess his name is Sam.
My personal favorite title is:
I wonder what it’s about?
The eyes aren’t the right color, I want a full refund!
FMHY (Free Media Heck Yeah) has a pretty solid guide for beginners on how to find most forms of media safely.
I am. This is.
I love Century Gothic and most of Futura, though I’m not sure how I feel about Futura’s lowercase j.
0 seems a bit too indistinguishable from O, but otherwise I’m also a big fan of the numbers.
Love the lowercase, hate the uppercase. Look at what they did to my boy B.
Truly a shame he got unjustly murdered. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
It’s weird too, why would someone only cut off half the credits? People would be far less likely to notice if they were completely gone. It’s like whoever did that is announcing to the world, “look at me, I’m an asshole!”
But did it make less noise?
That was me 11 hours ago. I lost, twice. Now it’s too late to have any regrets.
I don’t know if you meant for it to come off this way or not, but to me it reads like you’re saying people who own homes shouldn’t complain about small things. Someone else always has it worse. That doesn’t mean those who are better off have no right to complain about things that annoy them (especially on the community made for complaining about mildly infuriating things).
This was well done, the attention to detail with the poorly edited nails is really funny.
My live reaction:
Crowd cheered as two transgender women…
…were attacked in Minneapolis
I guess its my fault for being even slightly optimistic.
If I were to take a guess, it’s probably just a censorship joke. Censoring the word implies that it is inappropriate to say. Like when people say Fr*ench".
Of course. Do you really believe a trump supporter could have hatred in his heart? It couldn’t be so!
Haha wow, it’s so much worse than I expected.
Couldn’t find the source, but I found the original version on reddit.
Was skeletor born a skeleton?