To them you’re only poor if you didn’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps, again because profit good by definition. If you are poor, then you are bad by definition.
Right wing economics thinks that the free market solves everything, and that government just gets in the way and prevents the market from solving everything. That’s why they want to dismantle the government, they think it will lead to glorious prosperity. You can see this when Musk says the future it’s going to be amazing and various other things like that from many people. Now there are a lot of other things going on, but that’s basically the origin. To them if it makes profit, then it is good in every sense by definition. And they think if it doesn’t make profit, then it is bad in every sense, again by definition. The more profit it makes, the more good it is.
Invasion of Canada doesn’t need much military. It’s just a fact.
In fact the buying was a little bit frightening.
Sigh. All trade from every country in the world to every other country in the world should consider pollution. To have proper trade between all countries. In the world. All countries. Every single one. All of them.
Oh that leads to an interesting calculation: he got 3.896 days per swat.
One you can blame the users. This one falls squarely on Xhitter corporate.
Seriously? Because we should be imposing pollution tariffs on everyone. Trade doesn’t work so well when country A has strict environmental laws and country B doesn’t. Example of the century: China.
Reported and moving on.
See I could discuss immigration and government approaches to it over the decades (and you know a certain event that rightly or wrongly changed everything) but something tells me you’re not discussing in good faith.
See I could pull up articles but I think you just want to waste my time with a slapfight.
Well it basically is. And ozone layer, acid rain, mercury and plastics in the ocean, etc don’t have a global effect? What’s the new one, aluminum in satellites burning up destroying the ozone layer. It’s funny that people have forgotten about pollution.
As much as the current situation is fucked, a normal country (under Dems) needs some level of ICE. So no they can’t burn down ICE. And Dems are not the judicial branch. Dems do not decide who goes to prison, the judicial branch does that. This is the same old: Dems are beholden to the truth and rules, and GOP isn’t.
Hello ensign crab! Where did I say in this comment anything about Cannabis? lol. But to address what you brought up, it’s working its way through the courts last I heard. Which, drumroll please, is not the Dems lol.
convinced us the same couldn’t be done for progressive policy.
Trump is pulling blatantly illegal shit and you’re wondering why the Dems don’t do the same thing when they’re in office???
Bonus round: It’s easy to burn things down. Any fucking moron can burn things down. It’s not easy to build things up. In fact, it’s very, very, very hard to build things.
I know the title says carbon tax, but there is a shit ton more pollutants than CO2. Anything done properly is doing to look at pollution. I was in Beijing once and holy fuck at the pollution.
“They didn’t do tricks to delay” is now turned into “helping”. JFC is this what people are down to just to say “but but but dems bad!”
And it’s now 90% quieter. Hmmm.