I hate this fucking guy…
Fetterman is a disappointment. I voted for that mofo, but I definitely won’t again.
watson387 says Mark Zuckerberg can ‘go fuck himself’.
Massive anxiety
EDIT: Misread the question. The answer is that I don’t.
Be consistent with the time you wake up and don’t use the snooze button. Get out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off.
I take both, Mydayis (50mg) and Strattera (10mg). Both is an instantly noticeable improvement over one or the other for me. I stopped drinking espresso/coffee also (not caffeine, just mass doses of it). I’ll never be perfect, but I don’t fly off the handle near as much as I used to.
What did we ever do to these guys that made them so violent?
Who could have ever seen this coming?
Lingerie Avenger
Ahhhhh, I see. They paid tribute…
Isn’t Trump the one who initiated the ban in the first place?
I’ve been using IronFox for a week or two now and added their repo earlier in the week. Haven’t noticed any difference from Mull (which is a good thing). It’s definitely replaced it for me.