• @[email protected]
    78 months ago

    the FDA investigating the restaurant because it potentially had more than 0.4% (?) of human flesh content. Why any at all? At such a small amount it’s impossible to detect, completely safe to consume, and would be well less than a single finger in literal tons of hamburger

    Not to actually argue against your point (nor to conflate this cartoon scenario with real-life regulations), but 0.4% would be way more than just one human finger in literal tons of hamburger. 0.4% of one ton would be 8 pounds / ~4 kilograms. I don’t know how many human fingers that is, but I’m certain it’s significantly more than one.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Okay, to be fair, I can’t math. Sorry about that. Just curious, how much is 0.4% in, say, a pound?

      Never mind, I guess I’ve got a smartphone for a reason. “6.4 ounces”. Thanks for correcting me. :)