I mainly use Inkscape nowadays. If I need to design graphics for print I’m installing Illustrator again. While Inkscape is really competent today it’s nowhere near Illustrator in usability or features.
Dealing with type or layers in Inkscape is a nightmare compared to Illustrator.
Don’t know the last time you updated, but Inkscape layers got an overhaul in 1.2, released about a year ago. Still not perfect, but a massive upgrade from how they used to be
I mainly use Inkscape nowadays. If I need to design graphics for print I’m installing Illustrator again. While Inkscape is really competent today it’s nowhere near Illustrator in usability or features.
Dealing with type or layers in Inkscape is a nightmare compared to Illustrator.
Don’t know the last time you updated, but Inkscape layers got an overhaul in 1.2, released about a year ago. Still not perfect, but a massive upgrade from how they used to be
Type got a big overhaul in 1.3 as well, including fitting to paths.