Actors not sweeping correctly when somebody broke a glass or somebody’s ashes were spilled on the floor or something like that is infuriating hahha.

They’re always having some serious conversation with heavy relationship complications, but whoever has the broom is literally tapping at the mess on the floor because they know that the production crew is going to clean it up for them after the shoot, so they, the ac-tors, don’t have to actually sweep the mess into the dustbin.

I f****** hate that.

    4 months ago

    Generic Hollywood bad guy actors everywhere hurting the heroes and almost killing them only to be killed themselves (or at least punished) by the heroes instead whatever and however so.

    Cute and funny protagonists everywhere.

    Forced humor into every film or show.

    Teases and sequel hooks ala Marvel Studios.

    Plot-twist elements being spammed by a film.

    Recycling plot points from other movies or writing by the seats of their pants in movies.

    Wasting source material in adapted works, especially in supposedly comic book movies.

    Copying from Marvel Studios in general.

    Taking shots at other original works in general.

    Wasting potential materials of any kind.

    Altering the work itself to sell more tickets.

    Constant bait-and-switch gags everywhere.

    Villainous side-characters ala Illumination, even if they especially get away with their own actions.

    Juvenile or depraved humor in any work.

    Characters overanalyzing their own mediums while spamming all of the above that I described.

    Plot points that are constantly switching.

    Controversial and immoral topics in any work.

    Covering up all of the above with cute humor.

    Overwhelming sensory abuse as an autistic.

    Characters too evil to belong in a particular work.

    Trying to get away with anything and everything in a work, particularly in a children’s work.

    6 months ago

    CPR. The way they do it with bent arms affects how people think they should do it in real life. Your arms should be straight to get the most power for the least effort. And you’ll need to conserve your energy because you could be doing it for an hour. No show has ever portrayed the length of time it takes.

    • Varyk@sh.itjust.worksOP
      6 months ago

      I always remember the abyss because the



      was absurdly long for cinematic time.

      I know there was another one that did it, but obviously nothing for an hour.

      So sometimes CPR takes an hour and that means that you are circulating oxygenated blood through the body to keep it and the brain alive for 1 hour straight until emergency medicine can be applied?

      So CPR is deflating and inflating the lungs so that blood is oxygenated and simultaneously pumping the heart to provide blood circulation?

      Is that what you mean? If not, can you explain it in more detail? That’s f****** fascinating.

        6 months ago

        No, CPR is only meant to compress the heart in order to circulate blood. You can get a little in and out movement from the lungs (ventilation), but to do that correctly, you really need the bag mask thingy (which you do see One Night using on Lindsay in The Abyss.)

        The length of time they spend doing CPR in The Abyss is actually pretty realistic. There are a number of things that you try in addition to compressions and you have to give those things a chance to work before you “call it” (stop compressions).

        CPR is several rounds of compressions and shocks with various medications like epinephrine being given depending on what you’re seeing on the heart shock monitor. Length of CPR is usually inversely proportional to the age of the patient. (The younger the patient, the longer a medical team will fight to get them back. This is because losing a kid is obviously devastating for everyone, but also because kids have this amazing tendency to be able to survive things that would 100% take an adult out.)

        My bitchy complaint about the CPR scene in The Abyss is that they spend so much of that time not doing compressions. They keep stopping to do other things or to sit around and cry dramatically. Every single second that they’re not doing compressions is a second that no blood is circulating. It’s crazy. In real CPR, compressions only stop when a shock is actually being administered. There is zero downtime on compressions other than that.

        (And no, people don’t just gasp and wake up. Typically we just get a pulse and the person remains unconscious, often for days afterward. They usually need a ton of ICU level medical care, if they have any hope of recovering.)

          6 months ago

          It is called CCR (Cardiocerebral resuscitation, or continuous compression resuscitation, or hands only cpr). It is Cpr without pausing to breath. Of the 30 compressions you are suposed to do during normal CPR before you stop for breaths, like 25 of those compressions are just getting the BP high enough to perfuse the brain, then you stop for breaths and start all over. CCR not only keeps that BP up, but you provide supplemental oxygen and a simple airway device, like an opa. It moves enough air to fill the lungs enough to oxygenate what little blood is being circulated.

          It is becoming standard protocol for paramedics to do the first 3 rounds (6 minutes) of CPR as CCR as long as the arrest wasn’t airway related (drowning, choking, etc). Not only is it associated with better outcomes clinically, but in the field with limited providers on scene it frees up hands to allow for medication administration and rhythm analysis/treatment.

      6 months ago

      Or when they shock asystole, or when someone wakes up from like 5 shitty compressions and some mouth to mouth. Or 99% of any show ever. Even the few that do it OK are still so very bad.