Honest (and depressing) answer: dogs are larger and more expensive, so anyone who isn’t living on dual-income will prefer a cat. Being a woman is expensive, transitioning is expensive, being a guy who “just needs a bed and 4 walls” is cheaper, so dogs are back on the table.
Honest (and depressing) answer: dogs are larger and more expensive, so anyone who isn’t living on dual-income will prefer a cat. Being a woman is expensive, transitioning is expensive, being a guy who “just needs a bed and 4 walls” is cheaper, so dogs are back on the table.
Doesn’t explain gay men.
What do women need that’s so much more expensive than what men need?
Tampons and whatever the latest trendy things are?
I have no idea how many tampons a woman needs in a month, but a pack of 32 is €5 so that can’t be a big expense
And whatever the latest trend is, is not something necessary so you can’t blame it on that either
Are you taking things seriously in a greentext post?
Look up “pink tax” and “gender pay gap”.