I’m not gonna be “that guy”, but I remember watching dafuq’s animations years before skibidi toilet was a thing.
I’m not gonna be “that guy”,
Immediately proceeds to be that guy.
Gmod idiot box was my version of this
“BULLSHIT” glass shatters
Good fuckin times. It’s where I first heard Banana Phone
I remember watching Imogen heap gmod edits
I remember when Little Big released the OG Skibidi
Excuse me, but Scatman John would like a word with you, from 1994 to be exact.
And still no Halo movie.
Welp. I’m officially actually old now.
But the meme is on its way out. We’re in ironic enjoyment of how cringe it is right now. Movies going to bomb
Movies going to bomb
Hollywood can’t move fast enough to capture that white hot meme heat
Why do we think we’re just now getting a Borderlands movie?
Thank you for clarifying this is, in fact not an Onion article. I saw this earlier and assumed it was a joke.
It’s still a joke, but it’s also real. Fuck.
That’s not very sigma of them.
Don’t fuck this up Michael Bay, we’re counting on you for a faithful adaptation.
Skibidi gradually evolved into more than 70 1-to-5-minute mini-epics depicting the infinitely escalating war between the Toilets and the Cyborgs. Each video is explosive, violent and free of any discernible dialogue.
Should be right up his alley
Yeah, except he’ll have to figure out a way to make the movie mostly about a forced love story between two characters completely unrelated to the original series, and only show anything Skibidi-related for like <1/2 the movie.
And how does he get Megan Fox in it?
All it requires is that the film ends with “What I’ve done” by Linking Park but this time it’s [s l o w e d + r e v e r b e d] [c h i l l m i x]
Everyday we set one step farther away from the light of God and towards 2 hour long Idiocracy ass movies.
I can’t wait until m night shyamalan puts out an ass movie with a twist.
Everyday we get one step closer to the edge, and I’m about to break.
Who owns all the cgi models/props, and will the creators of the cgi models/props be paid?
I hope it has that “skibidi Ohio rizz” all the kids are talking about.
I am so old
I’m in my 20s and this makes me cringe.
On one hand I’m happy for the creator getting rich, but the whole appeal of the shorts was that they’re high quality shitposts…
I don’t know what any of the words in the title mean
A bay is a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward.
Thanks, always wondered
This film won’t happen. Skibidi toilet had 15 mins of fame for generation alpha and only had legs from older generations not understanding it because it’s toilet humour and absurd.
The kids already don’t care about it. If the Minecraft movie went through development hell for 10 years, this movie is not getting made when they realise the kids already don’t give a shit.
A whole new generation younger than me is already being pandered to…
Michael Bay should start clearing space to display his second Oscar
I would say Criterion should prepare another addition to their Bay flicks catalogue
my god
Huh, well I guess they’re desperate for ideas.
the pinnacle of cinema