• Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I’ve been an environmental activist and protester since the 1970s. I live in a straw bale house that I built with my own two hands and the hands of my family and around 40 volunteers 20 years ago. It has a carbon footprint 80% lower then our neigbors much smaller house. I’ve taught more than 1,000 building officials how to inspect straw bale houses and intervened in over 100 disputes between people wanting straw bale houses and their building officials with a 100% success rate. I have contributed to the reduction of carbon emissions in a very personal and direct way that these fanatics can only dream about in their wettest circle jerk fantasies.

    Don’t lecture me, child.

    The mistake that these people are making, and that you are making, is the same mistake that ALL extramists make. All extremists believe that they are somehow absolutely superior to everyone else. That superiority may be genetic, racial, religious, sexual, political, ethical, moral, dietary, or any of many other factors. They believe that that absolute superiority justifies anything that they do to anyone who doesn’t share that absolute superiorty. They can self-absolve any transgressing or crime because their goals are pure and the people they are harming are not.

    They are wrong and you are wrong.

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      2 months ago

      The mistake that these people are making, and that you are making, is the same mistake that ALL extramists make. All extremists believe that they are somehow absolutely superior to everyone else.

      Meanwhile, you’re calling people children and acting superior to everyone else.

      I’m glad you live in a low-carbon house. Congratulations. Assuming you 80% number is accurate, and applying it to your entire lifetime for all activities, you will save approximately 100 miles of airline travel worth of CO2, assuming your usage is similar to an average American. Great. That’s effectively nothing.

      We have to change systems to actually have an impact, not just our own habits. Reducing your output is great and I appreciate it, but stopping there means you have done nothing. We need to stop industries that emit CO2. Average people have very little effect, but their votes and power can change the things that do.

      • Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Meanwhile, you’re calling people children and acting superior to everyone else.

        They are acting like petulant children. I have never once said that I was superior to anyone. Not a single time. Never. (Go ahead and try to find an instance where I did. You’re mistaking my saying that they/you are not superior for me being superior. They are NOT the same thing.) What I said was that THEY were mistaken about being absolutely morally superior. They are. It is the mistake that all extremists make.

        • Cethin@lemmy.zip
          2 months ago

          No, you didn’t say you’re superior. You acted like you were superior. Do you not see how calling other people children is implying they’re beneath you? If you don’t then you’re lost. Of course you only recognize when some “other” is doing something wrong but not yourself.

          • Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            No, you didn’t say you’re superior.

            No, I didn’t.

            You acted like you were superior.

            No, I didn’t.

            I treated them like petulant children who were showing incredible disrespect for the people they were harming then salf-absolving themselves.

            Do you not see how calling other people children is implying they’re beneath you?

            No, I implied that they were acting like petulant children instead of treating everyone including me with respect. You have to give respect to get respect. Inconveniencing thousands of people so that you can have a moral superiority circle jerk is disrespectful.

            If you don’t then you’re lost.

            I’m still here, in the real world where you have to treat people with respect to get respect.

            Of course you only recognize when some “other” is doing something wrong but not yourself.

            I have Asperger’s. I am accutely aware when I am doing something wrong. I am treating them like petulant children because they were and are acting like petulant children. I will show them exactly the same respect that they show to everyone else. When they stop acting like petulant children I will stop treating them like petulant children. I didn’t start any of this. They did with their actions. You can’t winge about how someone reacts to your being a disrespectful petulant child when you’re being a disrespectful petualant child.

            So…unless you’re ready to stop pissing and moaning about me telling someone who was being a petulant child that they are being a petulant child you are lost and we’re done here.

            • Cethin@lemmy.zip
              2 months ago

              No, I implied that they were acting like petulant children instead of treating everyone including me with respect. You have to give respect to get respect.

              OK, so first respect is earned, not given. You don’t get to be respected just because you think you should be.

              Second, you were not giving them respect. If you want them to respect you then you should be respecting them first, based on your own logic. Calling them children is not doing this, therefore you don’t get to be respected.

              I have Asperger’s. I am accutely aware when I am doing something wrong.

              You clearly do not recognize when you’re doing something wrong. The Aspergers diagnosis makes things make sense, but it still isn’t an excuse. If you’re calling people children that is implying you’re an “elder” and above them. It is implying a position of superiority. Either it’s wrong to do this, like you said, and what you are doing is wrong or it isn’t wrong to do this and your stance on the subject is wrong. One of these must be true. Your behavior is hypocritical to what you’re saying. It doesn’t matter who started what. That’s childish to just point fingers and say “but they started it!”

              • Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                No, I implied that they were acting like petulant children instead of treating everyone including me with respect. You have to give respect to get respect.

                OK, so first respect is earned, not given. You don’t get to be respected just because you think you should be.

                That’s bullshit and that’s the root of your misunderstanding.

                You owe EVERYONE you deal with respect. It’s the golden rule in virtually every religion and every child is taught it. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

                Were I to run into any one of these people not glued to the road I would treat them with the same respect that I treat everyone else. I was raised properly by my parents.

                They have earned being treated like petulant children because they are acting like petulant children.

                You earn BACK respect once you’ve lost it. They lost it by acting like petulant children.

                Second, you were not giving them respect. If you want them to respect you then you should be respecting them first, based on your own logic. Calling them children is not doing this, therefore you don’t get to be respected.

                My first interaction with them was them acting like petulant children so I responded appropriately.

                It’s like commiting a crime then crying about being treated like a criminal. You don’t do A then B doesn’t happen. You don’t get to winge about the fact that B happened when you did A. This is a VERY simple concept.

                I have Asperger’s. I am accutely aware when I am doing something wrong.

                You clearly do not recognize when you’re doing something wrong. The Aspergers diagnosis makes things make sense, but it still isn’t an excuse. If you’re calling people children that is implying you’re an “elder” and above them.

                I’ve been very clear. They acted like children so they were treated like children. Had they not acted like children I would have treated them like adults. Why can’t you understand this?

                It is implying a position of superiority.

                It’s not implying anything. It’s making VERY clear that they are acting like children and that I am treating them like children. There is no hidden message. I’ve been VERY clear about this all along.

                Either it’s wrong to do this, like you said, and what you are doing is wrong or it isn’t wrong to do this and your stance on the subject is wrong.

                That’s false logic.

                They did A and I reacted like they did A and did B. The way to solve this issue is for them not to have done A so that I wouldn’t have treated them like they did A and done B. If A hadn’t happened B wouldn’t have happened.

                Stop whinging about the response and start dealing with the cause. Act like adults if you want to be treated like adults. It’s VERY simple.

                OYour behavior is hypocritical to what you’re saying.

                No, it isn’t. I’ve been very clear. They acted like children and got treated like children. If they stop acting like children I will stop treating them like they’re acting like children.

                It doesn’t matter who started what.

                THERE it is. THAT is the root of your entire argument. We don’t like being treated like children because we acted like children so ignore the fact that we’re acting like children and treat us like adults.


                That’s childish to just point fingers and say “but they started it!”



                There is literally nothing that you can say other than correcting the ORIGINAL issue to change this situation. I don’t like the way you’re treating us for acting like children is not going to solve the problem. Grow up, put on your big boy/girl/they pants, and start acting like a adults and people will treat you like adults.

                We’re done here.

                • Cethin@lemmy.zip
                  2 months ago

                  Grow up, put on your big boy/girl/they pants, and start acting like an adult and people will treat you like adults.

                  There you go again. I haven’t called you names at all, and now you’re saying I’m immature and you’re better. You keep acting superior and keep saying that’s wrong to do. Whatever. You aren’t going to see the error.

      • Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        We tell kids, when we talk about straw bale houses, that the fourth pig combined all three of the systems that the first three used, straw for insulation and structural integrity, wood for headers, window framing, and interior walls, and cement (Portland lime) for load bearing skins and fire resistance.

        Our walls are 10 times as strong as a 2x6 wall in a vertical load, 6 times as strong in a vertical load, have a 2 hour commercial fire rating, a Catgory 5 missile penetration rating (a 2x4 fired at Categort 5 hurricane speed will not penetrate the wall, and an isolated section R value of 70 with a system R value of 40.

    • anachronist@midwest.social
      2 months ago

      It’s cool that you’re in the well-insulated house business. But we’re still cooking the planet and jet aircraft are bad.