I happened to click a link that took me to the associated twitter X account for something I was interested in and was greeted by not one, not two, but four modern day web popups.
I know it’s nothing new. I’ve got a couple of firefox plugins that are usually quite good at hiding this sort of nonsense, but I guess they failed me today (or, I shudder to think, there were even more that were blocked, and this is what got through)
What’s the worst new/not-signed-in user experience you’ve encountered recently?
Given how intrusive google is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was kinda forced by them along with some other functionality
It’s not. It is up to the owner to code it into their website or not.
But it acts as a Login for the page instead of registering a new account? How would Google do that without the page owners permission?!
Honestly, I didn’t even know what it does until now. I get so annoyed by it that I just close it immediately after it pops up. Probably time to make a uBlock Origin filter for it I guess