There are even more free games from prime for the epic store, but the epic store has it’s own free games too that don’t require any subscription to anything.
No idea, I only noticed it a couple weeks ago. The prime gaming redemption site where I used to get stuff for lost ark now has a listing for free games, does amazon games, epic games, and gog games. The epic games are different ones than the free ones directly from epic.
You don’t need a subscription like Prime to get the free games? I was under the impression you do.
There are even more free games from prime for the epic store, but the epic store has it’s own free games too that don’t require any subscription to anything.
Wait now it appears I’m the one out of the loop. When did that start?
No idea, I only noticed it a couple weeks ago. The prime gaming redemption site where I used to get stuff for lost ark now has a listing for free games, does amazon games, epic games, and gog games. The epic games are different ones than the free ones directly from epic.
Neat, well thanks for the heads up
Hell no
Well that’s fuckin’ sick lmao
They were giving them away to anyone who made a free epic account.