“Drinking a milkshake with a straw? Only a squishy lib would do such a thing.”
More about Strawgate: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/09/05/tim-walz-milkshake-masculinity-jesse-watters-straw-fox-news/75089097007/
“Drinking a milkshake with a straw? Only a squishy lib would do such a thing.”
More about Strawgate: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/09/05/tim-walz-milkshake-masculinity-jesse-watters-straw-fox-news/75089097007/
Alpha males don’t drink a milkshake with a straw, they give it their whole mouth, open up their throat and don’t forget to work the balls.
This also the way they drink bubble tea, poke an opening, then work the hole with their tongue to get the pearls out.
Real men boof their milkshakes
And then cry about it while retelling the story to Kamala Harris at a Senate confirmation hearing…
Yeah, you forgot, but Kamala Harris made Brett Kavanaugh cry about drinking beer in his ass, lol
edit: the goodness
How did I never hear about this‽
here’s the SNL sketch about it
I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten.