The Australian Government doesn't want titles featuring "in-game purchases with an element of chance" being recommended to children under 15 years of age.
But basically, its not a retroactive re rating of any game unless the game is patched to add in simulated gambling or loot boxes.
This FAQ say titles will need reclassification if the modify their loot box payouts, so any ongoing live service game will get an updated classification eventually.
Q. Would changing the rewards within an
existing paid loot box, cause the video
game to require reclassification?
A. Adding new rewards to existing paid loot
boxes constitutes adding new in-game
purchases linked to elements of chance
and may cause a video game to become
unclassified and require reclassification
depending on the original classification of
the video game.
This FAQ say titles will need reclassification if the modify their loot box payouts, so any ongoing live service game will get an updated classification eventually.–-Fact-sheet-–-industry-FAQs_v6.pdf