“At a time, particularly during this crucial moment, when you think there are no more hearts left to break, mine shattered upon learning about the deplorable conditions endured by Palestinian detainees,” said Cohen, a professor emeritus at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. “Furthermore, I made the decision to stand before this prison where Khalida Jarrar, a Palestinian politician, has been unjustly imprisoned for over 10 months, without any trial received or specific criminal charge pressed against her.”
I’m sorry ma’am that’s called Democracy you wouldn’t get it.
It’s a joke about how people pretend israel is a Democracy with equal rights for all while a Palestinian woman gets jailed without charges for a decade 10 months.
I’m sorry ma’am that’s called Democracy you wouldn’t get it.
I don’t get the point of what you are saying here. Cohen doesn’t get “it”? Democracy? What’s wrong with what she did and what she said?
It’s a joke about how people pretend israel is a Democracy with equal rights for all while a Palestinian woman gets jailed without charges for
a decade10 months.👍
10 months, not a decade
Oops you’re right I misread. Thanks for the correction.