I know you probably love a dozen tracks, please pick one, thank you in advance.
EDIT: Thank you all so far, especially everyone who kept it to one. I am at work currently and will make my way through the list but may not get a chance to thank you individually. I am checking them all out though and appreciating it.
Coral Crown from Hades 2 is a bop
Can’t believe no one has suggested this yet: Melodies of Life from Final Fantasy IX
Memories of the Lost, Endless Space 2 main theme
Batman (NES) – Streets of Desolation
Sega version is good too, just different
and the sequel that references it: Hades II - The Silver Sisters
Bombjack for Game Boy title theme:
Dk Country: Aquatic Ambience
This is what lofi youtube wishes it could be.
P.T. Adamczyk - The Rebel Path from CP2077. Just really dark, and hype at the same time.
This one.
March of the Dreadnoughts, from Final Fantasy XIII!
I think it’s my favorite instrumental piece of music.
I might come across as an obsolete dinosaur (which I probably am) - but I really enjoyed the tracks from Hitman game series, especially Exploration from Hitman 2 : Silent Assasin, and then became a fan of anything composed by Jesper Kyd.