Wish I never smoked, but over 4 years since my last and no cravings. Always was afraid that cravings would never go away, that hungry anxiety was awful, even if it was dull after a time
1 year with nothing, after years of vape only and a long time with smokes.
I still get cravings every once in a while, especially with certain actions. Recently It was playing a record, I used to sit and listen to music and chug on my vape and now I sit and do nothing, so the craving comes back.
Haha oh man, a smoke on the move used to be my jam. Smoke when leaving a place. Smoke before I go in the building. I guess that happens ubiquitously enough that the correlation gets burned through pretty quickly
I did get them the first time I tried quitting, which lasted 1 or two years before I started up again
I don’t think I’ll ever smoke again this time though. Combination of reasons, I have kids now, who I don’t want affected by it. I ve really gotten into cardio since then, and I’m starkly aware of how it affects your lungs. Also this second time I quit I had a minor health scare where my mouth started sloughing a bit. Wasn’t just the smoking causing that, I also was drinking some very acidic juice and was reacting badly to a toothpaste ingredient, but it did help me to quit
10-year smoker here who quit 5 years ago. My cravings were gone after about a month. I had nightmares about smoking occasionally for the first year or so though. I really didn’t wanna fall back into the trap
I attribute the lack of cravings mostly to quitting using “the easy way to quit smoking” book by Allen Carr. It really helped how I thought about smoking as a whole. It’s designed to be read while you’re quitting, but maybe even 4 years later it could help you - worth a shot I’d say.
Wish I never smoked, but over 4 years since my last and no cravings. Always was afraid that cravings would never go away, that hungry anxiety was awful, even if it was dull after a time
Terrible addiction that isn’t worth it
1 year with nothing, after years of vape only and a long time with smokes.
I still get cravings every once in a while, especially with certain actions. Recently It was playing a record, I used to sit and listen to music and chug on my vape and now I sit and do nothing, so the craving comes back.
Haha oh man, a smoke on the move used to be my jam. Smoke when leaving a place. Smoke before I go in the building. I guess that happens ubiquitously enough that the correlation gets burned through pretty quickly
Little over four years smokeless for me too, after 20 years of smoking. High five for the quitter crew!
Sadly I still get cravings almost weekly.
I did get them the first time I tried quitting, which lasted 1 or two years before I started up again
I don’t think I’ll ever smoke again this time though. Combination of reasons, I have kids now, who I don’t want affected by it. I ve really gotten into cardio since then, and I’m starkly aware of how it affects your lungs. Also this second time I quit I had a minor health scare where my mouth started sloughing a bit. Wasn’t just the smoking causing that, I also was drinking some very acidic juice and was reacting badly to a toothpaste ingredient, but it did help me to quit
10-year smoker here who quit 5 years ago. My cravings were gone after about a month. I had nightmares about smoking occasionally for the first year or so though. I really didn’t wanna fall back into the trap
I attribute the lack of cravings mostly to quitting using “the easy way to quit smoking” book by Allen Carr. It really helped how I thought about smoking as a whole. It’s designed to be read while you’re quitting, but maybe even 4 years later it could help you - worth a shot I’d say.