I’m angry
I’m in pain
You are now morally obligated to go to a moderator and ask them to ban you.
Oopsie daisies uwu
You are now absolved of any and all charges against you.
Careful he’ll turn the citizens of the nearby city into trees!
Yooo, Golden sun reference
Looks like several, based on the size… actskually.
that tree looks like he’s about to tell me that everyone over 40 needs to play this browser game
Only lef-brained thinkers can’t over high IQ this fuck chicken.
Looks like he’s about to give me the Master Sword
I’ve never met a tree I couldn’t brutalize.
This one even does rocks
In fallout 3 I used flamethrower for this. His name was Harold.
It feels like there’s a really good Dad Joke in there waiting to be discovered.
I feel like it’s - you will die a log.
It’s big. It’s heavy. It’s wood.