By stupid she means fucking awesome.
In the comments, there’s a follow-up where she added an accelerometer so that it will mimic arm movements. Though she doesn’t have a demo of cooking with it, just showing that the arm moves up when she moves the sensor up.
“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever made with my engineering degree.” 😆
“I just want to create, Dad.” – Remy
That’s such a cool idea for a Halloween costume.
That’s adorable!
C’est magnifique.
Oh man, isn’t that Racc-ca-coony!?
Is this that girl who has the big archive of videos of robots that she’s made malfunctioning in funny ways?
EDIT: No, I don’t think so. This one has a short archive of projects on YouTube:
The one I’m thinking of has a large collection of them failing in funny ways.
You’re almost definitely thinking of Simone Giertz
Love Simone Giertz! She needs to bring back the pussy grabs back machine.
I think you’re thinking of Simone Giertz?
You’re probably thinking of Simone Giertz and her “shitty robots”
Yeah, thanks!