i’m sure everyone can be normal about this post yes?


a tumblr post:
autistichalsin posts:
Some of you are literally watching the right wing continuously try to expand the definition of “pedophilia” to include “existing around a child while queer,” and then agreeing with them when they say pedophiles deserve to be summarily executed.

Not only does this place innocent people in danger of political executions, it also puts children in danger, as most children who are sexually abused have this done by someone close to them, and feelings that they would be responsible for the death of their abuser if they reported leads to lower rates of reporting. It also leads to higher rates of abusers murdering their victims when they’re found out because the punishment will be the same anyway.

Part of being on the left is realizing that it’s better to let 100 guilty men go free than to wrongly convict one. Another part of being on the left is realizing that one’s life is never something others have the right to take away- even the most evil people alive. Yes, that includes mass murderers and rapists and pedophiles. Once you make one group acceptable to kill, you give others a vested interest in defining groups they have prejudice against into that group.

You have to start dealing with the fact that no crime makes one’s life forfeit. Not even the worst most depraved and sadistic acts. The worst people alive have rights, and if you can’t accept that they deserve them, at least try to accept that it is to your benefit that they retain rights no matter what they’re accused of. And if you can’t do even that, well… you just might be the kind of person who would cut off your nose to spite your face.

If you want to protect victims, if you want to protect minority groups, you have to realize that sex crimes, or any crimes at all, do not deserve the death penalty. Period.

brettdoesdiscourse replies:
When a certain kind of person “deserves” to die, bigots will make sure marginalized groups all are that kind of person.

little-gay-dowitcher replies:
My former neighbors were the “kill all pedos” type. They were also incredibly transphobic. And I was visibly queer. So guess who got stalked, harassed and threatened all throughout the brief period of time they babysat for their friend?

Stop enabling fascists. They’ve already proven they’re willing to attack minorities for no reason. Don’t give them a chance to excuse it.

  • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    The only times when it’s ok to take a life is when there are NO other options.

    Ruthless capitalists can cause more death and suffering than any serial killer or mass shooter. In many ways, they’re a group so driven by calculating costs and benefits that the threat of death would be more effective as a deterrent than for anyone else.

    However, even these people don’t deserve to die if you can simply prevent them from holding that power instead. All that matters is that they can’t do more harm. Unless they insist on defending their wealth like scarface, just prevent them from being that powerful ever again.

    • lemonmelon@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      TotallynotJessica is TotallynotWrong. The value of a person’s life is immeasurable. If we first accept that statement as bedrock fact, then proceed logically from that starting point, better ways of relating to those around us naturally emerge.

      • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        8 days ago

        It’s also important to prevent needing to kill people in the first place. If you can lessen the desire for crime by ensuring everyone has enough, police will become less necessary. If you can convince someone to stop doing something bad, you shouldn’t need to kill them.