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[drinks in American]
What happened to Muu?
Did they fall for the same Russian propaganda as Trumpers?
What’s up with Muu?
Not much, what’s Muu with you?
- Keskusta - center/right classic countryfolk party
- Kokoomus - center/right pro-corporation party (currently in government)
- Kristillisdemokraatit - center/right classic religofascist party (currently in government)
- Liike NYT - center/right pro-business fringe party / personality cult
- Perussuomalaiset - center/right authoritarian populist fascist party (currently in government)
- RKP - right/liberal finnswede party (currently in government for some weird fucking reason)
- SDP - center/left party
- Vasemmistoliitto - left party
- Vihreät - center/liberal/left green party
- Muu - the sound a cow makes
That’s kind of amazing that even the Finn fascist populist party is giving Kamala no less than 52% of the vote. We’re so screwed in the US.
I mean, Democrats are far right by any civilised standards.
So even the fascist/ authotarian voters wouldn’t vote for the turd
Well, it’s an EASY decision.
They are largely pro-Ukraine due to some happy accidents and Finnish history, that might be the reason.