Or, this is our best universe and the rest just get even shittier. That’s my rainbow and unicorn fantasy / no kink shaming pls.
Or, what if hell is simply consciousness during all the shitty outcomes: the teacher runs out candy when it’s your turn, the bus drives off just when you show up, etc.
It would mean as we approach the hellspawn timeline, each one of us made it into the angel timeline too.
Odds are very high we only have one universe because multiple dimensions can be reduced via transformation, but it is progressively more difficult to transform from a lower dimension to a higher dimension: that straight 2d line is probably a straight 2d line in 3d and 4d space.
Also le boobies in class were always fun I am not sure what the hubbub is all about.
Or, this is our best universe and the rest just get even shittier. That’s my rainbow and unicorn fantasy / no kink shaming pls.
Or, what if hell is simply consciousness during all the shitty outcomes: the teacher runs out candy when it’s your turn, the bus drives off just when you show up, etc.
It would mean as we approach the hellspawn timeline, each one of us made it into the angel timeline too.
Odds are very high we only have one universe because multiple dimensions can be reduced via transformation, but it is progressively more difficult to transform from a lower dimension to a higher dimension: that straight 2d line is probably a straight 2d line in 3d and 4d space.
Also le boobies in class were always fun I am not sure what the hubbub is all about.