As soon as the trolley’s forward wheels pass the switch lever you throw the switch so that the rear wheels go on the other track. Since the wheel trucks can’t swivel 90 degrees, the trolley derails gracefully, saving all lives.
As soon as the trolley’s forward wheels pass the switch lever you throw the switch so that the rear wheels go on the other track. Since the wheel trucks can’t swivel 90 degrees, the trolley derails gracefully, saving all lives.
This is 100% the response OP was fishing for.
It derails killing the dozen or so passengers on the trolley instead.
What if all the passengers were billionaires?
They would be taking private jets, not a trolley
I knew, even as I wrote it, that a trolleybus was beneath their contempt.
The only correct answer to op
One of the oldest memes I know, and the first thought I had after reading OP’s post. A great way to maximize the horror and ruin OP’s plan.