• Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    That’s fantastic if it’s true. It was my favorite film growing up and the reason my family got a few pugs in the late-90s/early-00s (Holy shit, did the poor things have problems). But I’ve read time and time again that animals were hurled off cliffs, had their feet broken to force limping, etc. I never stopped loving the film itself, but it certainly cast a very dark shadow over the entire production.

    Edit: Marked unproven (the animal abuse) on Snopes and basically appears to be a giant “who knows?” at this point, given the evident suffering seen in some of the shots (cat howling in pain with a crayfish hanging from its lip, being thrown from a sea cliff into the ocean, etc.), but despite tons of articles about it during the '90s, too much time has passed to really paint a clear picture anymore.