I live in a super hard water region. So hard in fact that it destroys every appliance despite regular descaling. I’ve remineralized 5l jugs of demineralized water for years but I feel it’s not very sustainable in the long term. Plus demineralized water is not supposed to be safe for human consumption.

I’m looking for an affordable RO system that removes most if not all TDS so I can remineralize it using my favorite recipe.

Do you use any? What are your thoughts? Thanks !

  • BakedCatboy@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I recently got a waterdrop brand RO filter, which I think will help reduce scale a lot in my espresso machine and probably make descaling faster / easier. I also love basically having no scale build up in my humidifier. My TDS goes from about 100 to 3 or 4 according to the readout on the faucet and my handheld meter. I’m biased though because they accidentally refunded me so I basically got it for free.

    I got a “refurbished” G3P800 which looked identical to new and was significantly cheaper than MSRP, so I would check out what they have refurbished on their site or sold through their official store on eBay. They’re also on Amazon I’m sure, but I avoid Amazon.

    If you choose their cheaper models like the G2 and get a refurbished one they go pretty cheap like just under $200