What fonts are you currently using on your system? Which do you think is best for the terminal or for your desktop environment?
(updates) Ok I think I’m a fan of Ubuntu nerd fonts right now
I find comic sans mono actually looks surprisingly nice for coding and terminal.
I use M+ Fonts for most of my stuff.
Inter for desktop and the nerd-font variant of JetBrainMono for Terminal.
+1 for Inter. Kind of reminds me of San Francisco :)
🟨 preview: Inter
Lol I re-discovered Inter about 10 minutes ago, I find it a little better than Noto Sans. (edit) I’m not really sure, maybe I’ve gotten too used to the Notos.
I’ve been enjoying Fira Sans and Fira Mono for far too long: https://mozilla.github.io/Fira/
I don’t have a reason to move away from the Fedora defaults except for monospaced fonts.
Terminal wise, terminus is my default. It’s so clean, and it looks good without anti-aliasing.
Roboto Mono is my current preference for monospaced fonts.
Adobe Source Code Pro and JetBrains Mono are good alternatives as well.
Gohu Font Nerd is a nice small bitmap font I’m fond of. Only issue is the size for high DPI monitors, but the JetBrainsMono nerd font is a nice vector font that’s easy on the eyes (quite stereotypical/cliché, but that’s for a reason).
Dropping a link for others since it’s the first time I heard of it.
Interesting. What makes you use bitmaps as a system font?
I get it for TTYs. Though for TTYs nothing will take me away from Terminus :]
What makes you use bitmaps as a system font?
I like the aesthetic of bitmaps. Personal preference
I mostly use an android, and the default font is Ideal Sans Light. On my system, Arial Nova, Courier Prime, Helvetica Neue, Ideal Sans Book and a few others are regulars.
Every once in a while I get this itch which ends up in getting a new favourite font.
VictorMono, has a cool cursive, mono spaced font.
Whatever comes default with the current system.
Since basically forever I use DejaVu Sans for UI elements and DejaVu Mono for the terminal.
me too, I loved Verdana before I discovered FOSS and DejaVu Sans is basically FOSS Verdana
I always use Dejavu sans mono for terminal and programming too. I think its the best in terms of readability where indentation is important
Ohh, that’s what that 8bit-y font is called.
…wait. Why would you use 8bit as a system font???
🟨 preview: Fixedsys
any with a dotted zero, extra points for italic.
For desktop, I’ve liked Lato, Source Sans Pro, and Inter to name three.
For terminal, I used Iosevka’s customizer to create a gorgeous Fira Mono-like variant that I call Iosevka Firesque:
[buildPlans.IosevkaFiresque] family = "Iosevka Firesque" spacing = "term" serifs = "sans" noCvSs = true exportGlyphNames = false [buildPlans.IosevkaFiresque.variants] inherits = "ss05" [buildPlans.IosevkaFiresque.variants.design] capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked" capital-q = "crossing-baseline" g = "single-storey-serifed" long-s = "bent-hook-tailed" cyrl-a = "single-storey-earless-corner-serifed" cyrl-ve = "standard-interrupted-serifless" cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed" cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed" cyrl-capital-en = "top-left-bottom-right-serifed" cyrl-en = "top-left-bottom-right-serifed" cyrl-capital-er = "open-serifless" cyrl-er = "earless-corner-serifless" cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless" cyrl-u = "curly-motion-serifed" cyrl-capital-e = "unilateral-bottom-serifed" cyrl-e = "unilateral-bottom-serifed" brace = "straight" ampersand = "upper-open" at = "threefold" cent = "open"
Biolinum O for desktop
Liberation Mono for terminal