First, child services has been called on multiple occasions and has done nothing. The police don’t care either. They’re disabled so they can’t just leave.

They have a laptop that they can use whenever they want but their patent is extremely opposed to piracy and won’t pay for my friend to buy movies or a streaming service. They watch DVDs from the library on their laptop.

They’re also not tech savvy so I need a plug and play solution that will allow them to pirate media without anyone else in the household being aware of it.

    3 months ago

    In theory they could, but that would mean constantly snooping on customer traffic and checking their requests against constantly updated lists of pirate related sites, and ISPs almost universally rely on external complaints which is only possible with P2P piracy.

    Combined with the fact that it’s in ISPs best interests to keep you on as a paying customer means they all look the other way until someone complains instead of actively looking for reasons to lose customers.

    The actual main risk with those streaming sites is that some have crypto miners that run in the background, so make sure to close those tabs when you’re done, and use an ad blocker to reduce the risk of malware and you’re fine.