Personally will be trying to transform my server which is currently in a fractal R5 case, into a small-ish Homelab rack, combined with all my network equipment. Will require complete relocation of all network equipment in the house as well as cables so it will be a bit of a project. Also on the lookout for a good quality rack so let me know if you have any recs. Still unsure if u want to do full width rack or mini. Part of me really want the UDM Pro from Unifi…
What are your goals and thing you want to accomplish during 2025?
I think what I need to do correctly on my homelab this year, is setup off-site backups. I currently only backup to seperate drives and machines inside my own home. I need to setup something at my parents place to take weekly and monthly backups.
Other than that, my media server needs a bigger storage drive.
I got no backups ao ur doing better than me. If 1 ssd dies there goes all my data.
I did this recently. Opendrive is free up to 5 gb and works with rclone. All I’m backing up is the config and data needed to recreate my containerized services. I’ve even had to recreate them from the backup, once.
Backups are key! Need to work on this myself too!
Hetzner storage box is super cheap and works with rclone. They have a web interface for configuring regular zfs snapshots too so you don’t have to worry about accidental deletions/ransomware.
True. I’d have to get the €11/month box for it though. It’s cheaper to set up one of my Raspberry Pi’s with an external drive I already have. I just need to figue out how it’s best to transfer and dedublicate the data. :)
Nope, you don’t need any VPS to use it, it comes with an SFTP interface.
offsite backup for $2/TB and no download fees, 1/3rd the price of B2.
Yeah. I would need the 5 TB one for my stuff, so that is the €11/month box.
Ah, ok I see.
Personally I’d recommend restic and backblaze b2 if I were you. Dedup and quick.
only need dedup if your data is duplicated
Which they expressly said they wanted in the comment I responded to…
I snagged an old fiber LTO5 drive… just got to work out how to get it powered and then spend hours fiddling with silly old tapes.