Its like having an idealistic sibling you for the most part agree with and defend that goes goes behind your back trying to sow discord to your other siblings for seemingly no other reason but to pump up their own ego.
Lots, but currently pretty fucking infuriating to see cops get an increase of 160 million, while the fire department gets ~17 million cut. But I guess it balances out if they use those police to build an indentured class that they can pay next to nothing to fight the fires instead!
Oh, so only leftists fight fires huh?
For $6.80/hr before taxes.
Yeah for sure all of those prisoners are leftists. Yeah youre starting to sound about as smart as a leftist keep going
Oh, you’re serious. I thought we were doing one of those fun bits.
Yeah i get tired of hearing about liberals on here
Hitting a little close to home?
Hitting inaccurately
So yes
Its like having an idealistic sibling you for the most part agree with and defend that goes goes behind your back trying to sow discord to your other siblings for seemingly no other reason but to pump up their own ego.
Well that’s only fair, because I’m pretty tired of dealing with their policies.
And those policies are?..
Lots, but currently pretty fucking infuriating to see cops get an increase of 160 million, while the fire department gets ~17 million cut. But I guess it balances out if they use those police to build an indentured class that they can pay next to nothing to fight the fires instead!
Yeah totally policies set forth by liberals. Totally not ancient federal and state laws