Full disclosure: ham radio isn’t for everyone, and there are many different facets to it. What appeals to one person might bore another to death. One area of ham radio that has changed a lot …
Also, the license gives one some knowledge about what one is actually doing with the transceiver. Without that it isn’t really a hobby anyway. It just becomes an illegal walkie talkie.
Edit: the following is for the US
You do not need a license to listen to ham radio with a traditional transceiver. You only need a license to transmit.
There are no licensing requirements for equipment purchases.
I have a handheld ham. The baofeng ones with no license. Come to get me FCC
When I use them to communicate, I use FRS frequencies, which are still not legal technically, but no one will even know.
Tbh, I can’t condone that as a ham myself. And yes, you can be caught. It happens all the time and fines are hefty.
The basic ham license (called “Technician”) is very easy and cheap. Just get one.
It happens all the time?
Relative to the prevalence of ham as a hobby
Yes. It is not uncommon.
Also, the license gives one some knowledge about what one is actually doing with the transceiver. Without that it isn’t really a hobby anyway. It just becomes an illegal walkie talkie.
Hams are self policing and if you cause issues and aren’t using proper protocols may try to pinpoint your location
I use FRS, there’s no way anyone would report me. They are not overpowered. No one listening would assume they are anything but Amazon walkie talkies.
I got them for ship to shore, which is not illegal. Also, it’s not illegal to listen. Which from what I hear, is nothing.
Don’t fuck around with the FCC, it stands for Fucking Consequences, Cunt!