I’ve been trying to find a good privacy respecting browser, but I can’t really decide on what to use. I don’t like the search results with Brave Search. DuckDuckGo shares my information with Microsoft and SearchXNG shows me NSFW images even with strict search on. I really like Presearch, but I’m not really sure what they’re about.
EDIT: After tinkering with the settings of my SearXNG instance, it seems to have reduced the amount of NSFW images. I think I will stick with SearXNG for now.
What does DDG share with Microsoft?
It’s probably not that big of a deal, but I just don’t want anything to do with Microsoft.
So they only share when you click on an ad. I use an adblocker anyway, so effectively they’re not sharing anything. Or do I misunderstand?
I think it’s more of a trust issue.
Exactly. It’s sorta like all or nothing. If they share this, go figure what else. And maybe you misunderstood or missed some other parts.
You can disable the ads in settings
I trust a search engine if I can turn JS off and still get results.
I just use Duckduckgo Lite with Ublock Origin, NoScript, LocalCDN, Libredirect, and Chameleon extensions on hardened Firefox fork.
A self hosted Searxng would also be a good option though.
I like DDG lite a lot, but I need to be able to search for images :c
You can still use lite and then use bangs.
!ddgi myimagesearch
will immediately redirect you to ddg images. Duckduckgo has a plethora of useful quick search shortcuts called Bangs. Even if you don’t use lite, bangs are worth looking into imho.Oh cool. I will check it out later =]