What does separating sandwich ingredients have to do with Susie’s hunting skills?
Where does the comic mention hunting skills?
“Nimrod” is the name of a Biblical king who was famed as a great hunter. It’s also what Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny sarcastically called Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam to mock them for being incompetent hunters.
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod#In_popular_culture
Thanks! TIL “Nimrod”.
I love this plotline
They are sooo deep in love with each other… It’s enchanting.
headcanon updated, susie is neurospicy.
Love the term neurospicy. If I weren’t to forget it in 5 minutes I’d probably claim to use it in the future
I haven’t seen it, myself, but I’ve heard people mention that it has been used by some folks as a derogatory term for neurodivergent folks. 😔
Fuck them with cordless drill it’s our term now
What does neurospicy mean? Am I neurospicy?
Neurospicy is an alternate term for neurodivergent
Thanks! TIL.
Dude have you seen her haircut?
You might be on to something there…
Regardless, I really like this piece, it’s adorably hilarious!
I don’t eat sandwiches this way, but I do separate other mixed foods like trail mix, chow mein, fried rice, salads… does anyone else do this, or is it just me?
Foods must also be eaten in the correct order.
The correct order being…? :)
Well it depends entirely on the meal. For example, pizza can be difficult. But usually least palatable to most. Typically arranged and eaten clockwise.