I like the Muji aluminum fountain pen.
Cheap enough that if it breaks or you lose it or some such, you won’t be that upset, but writes wonderfully. It is nice to have a pen where you can choose your own ink, and it will accept either refillable cartridges or pre-filled cartridges.
The way the cap posts on the back of the pen is pretty unique as well.
I commented this elsewhere, but I figured it deserves it’s own top level comment.
You can take an affordable stainless steel zebra f701 and swap out the ink with a fisher space pen refill for a solid, utilitarian pen for less than 15 bucks.
Kaweco sports, LAmy, rotring, and pilot vanishing point, opus 88, and one from montblanc but that wasn’t a fountain pen.
I slept on the kaweco sport, but when I finally got one, it quickly became my everyday. I got a transparent body and fill the body directly with ink like an oil tanker ready to defile the ocean within my pocket, then lube the threads with petroleum jelly. Not a single leak.
Iconic style, affordable, ink lasts forever, one of the most reliable, smoothest gold bibs came with it, and it’s comfortable to write with. I love that pen and wish I had as many chances to use it these days as I did in the past. Unfortunately, my writing at work is almost entirely digital now.
I have a bright orange with carbon fibre trim kaweco sport. The opus88 I have is demonstrator so transparent, so I wanted something different. And maybe because it was the last one at the pen show… Lol.
I’ve seen those orange ones, but was never much of a fan. The demonstrators are beautiful though. There’s nothing quite like seeing a beautiful ink sloshing around inside.
And that is why I love my opus 88… Hehe.
Picked up a Rotring for my wife a while back and she constantly gets compliments on it. Really nice weight and feel to it.
I carry a Fisher Space Pen everywhere, but I switched its cartridge for Pilot Hi-Tec-C refills. It takes a little fiddling to get the refill in there, but once it’s in it works great!
I’m not familiar with the pilot refill, what about that swap do you enjoy?
Pilot Hi-Tec-C is a gel pen with refills that happen to fit in the Space Pen. It puts down a crisp, fine line.
The problem with the stock Space Pen is that it’s a messy ballpoint. I might be getting worse-than-typical results due to being left handed, but in general I find ballpoints don’t write crisp lines, and the ink smudges on my hand much more than gel pens do. But with the gel swap I do lose the feature of being able to write upside-down.
I’ll have to try it out! I currently use fisher space pens, and while the pen is reliable, I definitely notice that it’s not guaranteed to write evenly.
Was there any hacks you had to do to fit the refill?
Yes; first pull the black plastic piece out of the end of the refill. I read that there needs to be a little airflow into the refill for ink to flow, and when the back of the refill is jammed into the pen that can cut off airflow so you might cut a little notch in the end of the refill where the black plastic piece was. I also sometimes trim about 4mm off the end of the refill, or put a tiny bit of wadded paper in the pen for spacing. But I do this a little differently every time I put a new refill in.
Thank you kindly!
OP asking the real questions! Also just ducking glad to see something not news or politics related. My gosh it’s overwhelming today.
Zebra F-301
Don’t have an actual favorite. Just using bics forever due to convenience
Brand? Bic.
Bic 4 colour ftw! 🇸🇸
I bought myself this beauty a year ago, metal body and refillable
Back when I constantly needed a pen I used to use a Parker espirit telescopic fountain pen, since it was the best small fountain pen that cost little enough that I wouldn’t mind loosing, but it was still small enough and good enough for my tastes. More recently since I stopped needing an actual pen with any sort of frequency it just kept getting dry and I just decided to stop carrying one.
This days the only thing that I physically write with any sort of frequency are ttrpg character sheets and for those I just need a good pencil, so I moved to the wsd magnetic 2.0 mm lead holder. I just love it both as a great mechanical pencil and a fidget toy
I have a Plaisir Platinum fountain pen that’s awesome. It was pretty cheap as far as fountain pens go but it writes really nicely and has a good solid feel to it.
For day-to-day disposable pens I like the Zebra Sarasa ones, or the Pilot P500 for drawing. I bought a big box of the P500s to keep in reserve in case they ever stop making them lol.
Those Zebras that are, like, 1/8 of the volume of what the median pen in this thread is gonna be. I’m not here to pinch hoses 5x their cartridge diameter, half of their length hanging out for nothing, I’m just trying to write. Any non-zero thickness works for that.
Not the pen I was thinking of
The cheap white plastic bics with the colored rubber grips are some of the most consistent pens ever. The cheap black/blue all plastic ones are some of the shittiest pens ever. I don’t understand how this is the case.
Bic mediums are comfortable in my hand and I don’t ever worry about losing them because their cheap and reliable.
I’ve been using 0.7 point Pentel Supremes since I began high school