That’s exactly the way I feel recently. I just couldn’t find the words.
If you’ve ever been in Scotland in winter, you’d take that seriously
In summer, it’s also the only way to get away from the damn midges.
Yeah, I consider their argument compelling
But it’s an entirely valid question though
I take the hot hairy ones quite seriously. Especially the ginger ones.
I get a little mental orgasm when I hear certain British accents spoken by a pretty lady.
If I ever come across red head with a Scottish accent, my head will explode.
@random_character_a @GooberEar blonde Welsh milf any good for ya?
Isn’t Welsh a Keltic language that is even more bonkers that my language.
Are you implying you are one? You do not seem to be, based on your profile.
they turn their ”to” into a ”-y” or a ”-ty” the same way we do with ”I am” to ”I’m”. Neat.
A similar thing happens in “wanna” and “gonna”.
Don’t forget -ae
I get it
Toon pherl?