You may already use your phone to pay for groceries, but have you ever needed it just to put them in your basket? You may, with this CVS app unlock trial.
Yes, this is the problem. Not much choice, and most of the corporate ones are moving to various shitty practices. Oddly enough, many of the big corporate chains are now closing locations en masse, such as Rite Aid
We use our grocery store. Seems to work well. My store doesn’t even have an app, just a website, and the loyalty card isn’t needed for discounts, only for points I’ll never use so I don’t bother with it.
Your options are:
Some pharmacy on the other side of town that’s failing because they’re getting overcharged for drugs (if you’re lucky)
Yes, this is the problem. Not much choice, and most of the corporate ones are moving to various shitty practices. Oddly enough, many of the big corporate chains are now closing locations en masse, such as Rite Aid
Costco, and lots of online ones
We use our grocery store. Seems to work well. My store doesn’t even have an app, just a website, and the loyalty card isn’t needed for discounts, only for points I’ll never use so I don’t bother with it.