RGB, plastic edition.
Eventually all of these products found a place in our hearts.
And our brains, our kidneys and for some of us, our balls.
Hey, I still have that exact iMac on my garage!
It’s got Yellow Dog Linux on it lol
Give me translucent Game Boy Color any day :)
Later: We all have 8 different flavors of cancer from these
Did…did you eat your atomic purple N64?
It was just a nibble!
We were all tempted. It’s okay.
I always go for the clear plastic replacement shells for my electronics. I got a Dreamcast with a chewed up shell that is now clear blue, did my GBA SP in a clear green a couple of years ago, and I’m looking into reshelling my Wii too now.
I’m 'bout to bust
There is one thing In here not like the others…
I like how they threw a 2DS into the pile of late 90s, early 2000s tech.
Fun factoid of the day: The Nintendo 2DS only actually has one screen. Go ahead, open one up, you’ll see…
fun followup of the day: a “factoid” is something that isn’t true, but is presented as being true. go ahead, look it up!
Interesting. I might research that on the toilet tonight, or just drop the word factoid from my vocabulary.
Regardless, clowns still have to go to college, while politicians do not. Fun fact of the day!
i wrote it on the toilet before bed, so that seems apt.
Initially I agreed, but actually I think it stands. The design is similar enough, regardless of era. Honestly, I really do wish this kind of design would come back
That translucent blue plastic becomes about the most absolute brittle shit over time. When they say plastic lasts hundreds if not thousands of years, translucent blue plastic missed that memo.
Plastic lasts thousands of years, most of it lasts tens of thousands of years but blue plastic singlehandedly brings down the average.
Gold Plastic Syndrome has entered the chat
When they say it lasts, they don’t mean it stays in the exact same condition and shape.
Well, you’re not wrong…
Most of it is in my balls now.
Now they’re technically not blanks 🙏
Microplastics are stored in the balls.
One of these is not like the others
There’s no 3DO there, though.
literally drooling
I remember almost leaving my VMU on a bus and I ran so hard to go get it back. Fun memories.
Graphite iMac G3 is perfection.
Yeah. Love that round fucking mouse, and that computer with a space heating, ESD producing CRT crammed into the same chassis. Those things were fucking garbage.
Ok, fine, Graphite iMac G3 is perfection of form over function. That better?
Never actually had one, always wanted one. I did use the hockey puck mouse at school, and agree that it was fucking terrible. Can’t really speak to the esd issues from the CRT, didn’t use it often/long enough for that to affect me, though I can certainly see how it could have been a problem. Most computers are some level of space heaters, as far as that goes, especially if you’ve got a decent GPU, so I’m not sure I’d really knock it too much for that unless it was just really super egregious.