Either it was a local thing (I originally got the picture at Good Will) or my search skills are lacking. My wife loved it so I wish I could get her a reproduction.
Either it was a local thing (I originally got the picture at Good Will) or my search skills are lacking. My wife loved it so I wish I could get her a reproduction.
Here you go https://www.frameshop.com.au/art-prints/miscellaneous/beautiful-beans
wow, champion right here
Amazing! Were you already familiar with it? If not, how did you find it?
Thank you very much.
Not familiar, used Google image search on my phone. Where you can circle things on your screen, added art to the search and popped up pretty quick.
Weird, I’ve done that a bunch of times with no results. Genuinely, thank you for finding it.
Nothing came up for me, until I tightened in on just the print. Leaving the frame selected threw Google off the trail.
Perhaps that was it; it’s been a long time since I looked for the picture and I just posted it here on a whim, so I can’t guarantee I never searched for it that way.
Thank you to both you and the OC for following up.