They are forgetting that TERRIBLE design choice where if you accidentally bite the inside of your cheek it swells up making it easier to bite it on accident again and again.
Are both not acceptable ways of typing that out? I know I’m bad at punctuation, grammar and spelling, but I thought you could say you did something on accident or by accident interchangeably.
Nope, it’s just by accident. Must be a certain demographic that seems to have fallen into the habit of saying it as I never hear people use “on” in real life.
They are forgetting that TERRIBLE design choice where if you accidentally bite the inside of your cheek it swells up making it easier to bite it on accident again and again.
Rather than by purpose? #54%
I’m a masochist but I have my limits. Lol
I think they’re calling you out on saying “on accident” rather than “by accident”
Are both not acceptable ways of typing that out? I know I’m bad at punctuation, grammar and spelling, but I thought you could say you did something on accident or by accident interchangeably.
Nope, it’s just by accident. Must be a certain demographic that seems to have fallen into the habit of saying it as I never hear people use “on” in real life.
Apparently “on accident” has been gaining usage and “by accident” is generally used by the older generations.
I’m 93 so I don’t know where I picked up “on accident” but until this day I haven’t had anyone say anything. How interesting.
Must be just an American thing? I never hear anyone say it here!
Also, could you be on of Lemmy’s oldest users?!
Oh no… I meant 1993 lol.
But I cannot blame you for thinking I meant 93 years old haha. Thats my bad.
I gotta remember to put '93 or just spent the extra few milliseconds to hit the 1 and 9 keys.
Once again my laziness bites me in the ass haha
You’re just supposed to bite that bit off. Otherwise it’s just going to keep happening.
Instructions unclear, but I can now drink through a straw without opening my mouth
There’s also the weird decision to put a bunch of easily-bruised bones in your butt which would normally be used for a tail.
I once had a creationist defend the coccyx as being necessary for keeping muscles together. That was fun.