Birds can make two sounds at once! They harmonize with themselves! I think that’s incredible. Sometimes when you hear a some birds calling to each other, it’s actually just one bird.
I learned about it during this podcast!
FAFO - it’s science!
Remember kids, the difference between science and screwing around is writing stuff down!
Col Do Ma Ma Daqua!
Obviously, they gotta practice.
Black bird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life, you were only waiting
For this moment to ariseLet us never forget the reason why Paul McCartney wrote the song Black Bird. He wanted to write a song that inspired hope for those involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
Just some trivia that came to mind, might be good to know…
I read “arise” and now I’m shaking and crying
Is this what the Leonard Cohen song is about?
Which one?
Thanks, love me come Cohen.
maybe its just practicing? leave it alone OK?
Our young Tui are practicing right now, its so fun watching them barely be able to sing, sounding like a donkey while trying there best to imitate the melodic adults.
Then they slowly grow up and learn new things until eventully they can perfectly imitate our car reversing beep, fooling us to think someone is stealing our car.
Like rehearsing a speech in the mirror while getting ready for the day.
Performance anxiety and stage fright is a bitch.
If only I had the patience for taxonomy. Studying animals would be awesome. I’m stuck with rocks though, which is just fine lol.
Much easier to catch a rock, they’re very slow compared to most animals.
on the other hand it makes it way way more gutting when you somehow miss them
Well great, now I’m wondering if birds self-soothe when feeling lonely.
Like, what if little dude had spent time before this calling out, and this was after there was no response?
Reminds me of The last call of his species..
I’ve just read An Immense World by Ed Yong and learned that what seems to matter in birdsong is the way the notes change, like mid-note.