Based on what I have been seeing on Lemmy so far this morning, I fully expect to see someone say they care more about Palestinian genocide than Palestinians by the end of the day.
I love threads like this. I can now block all the people who are here to lie and manipulate us. They are not here to have honest conversations.
Trump is gonna pretend like he meant forcing the Saudi/Qatar proposal that the Biden administration was attempting to negotiate and people will call him genius.
it’s free real estate
Trump is a real estate guy. That’s why he wants Canada and Greenland: lots of undeveloped real estate. Never mind that the reason for this is given by being non-developable.
And now Gaza: he actually thinks that he just has to move a few million people somewhere, and turn it into his personal luxury resort.
Do you want another 9/11? That’s how you get another 9/11.
Do you want another 9/11?
Even if they don’t, it feels like it would help them…
That is a problem that I also noticed.
“It seems that there might finally be a temporary peace in gaza… wait, it’s, it’s, BY GOD IT’S THE US COMING FROM BEHIND WITH A STEEL CHAIR”
To people who weren’t paying attention probably
Worst. Strip. Ever.
“Shock”, only people getting shocked are the centrist that arent far righters but actually believed in the shit they spread. But as always nobody learns from anything.
I for one would love for him to go to Gaza.
Shock? I’m surprised Trump didn’t start bombing it on day one.
I feel like he’s just doing shit to see how far he can get away with at this point. Or maybe this is ten dementia talking it’s insane
Yeah, a lot of things but “shock” ain’t one of them.
As an American… that dumbass doesn’t speak for me. I sure as fuck didn’t vote for him. I’m unfortunately stuck with him. But I have no want to take over any land… anywhere. Trump should man up, take ownership, and say HE wants to take over Gaza strip, Panama, Canada,… Earth.
I knew it will end up like this when protest non-voters said they won’t vote for “Holocaust Harris”…
Just a not even remotely friendly reminder that if you are American, eligible to vote and didn’t vote for Kamala then you actively voted for this. Actively voted for genocide. If you didn’t vote you’re even fucking worse because at least the Republicans were willing to openly say what horrible people they are. You just don’t care.
The United States is a failed country, a terrorist state and should be wrenched away from its people. You do not deserve to have a country that large with that much power when you are incapable of agreeing on a singular fucking thing. The United States should be forcibly broken up into at least 2, if not more, countries that can make up a trade bloc. This bullshit of getting everyone killed from coast to coast because of your pathetic patriotic ego of “wahhhhhhh but my countryyyyyyyyyy”
Fuck the United States.
The US shouldn’t be considered a single country. The EU has way more in common between it’s members and acts more like one country than the US.
Breaking it up in 50 different states is probably gonna cause a war I see that.
Slowly the US (which has been a terrible country for a lot of people) is dying and pulling others down. The US has pushed it’s bullshit into way to many countries it is not even funny.
I mostly agree.
Also, I live in the US.
The contradiction between blaming voting blocs and then blaming rampant patriotism is not even remotely unironic.
I want to say I’m amazed at the shit fucking takes to justify awful choices that directly lead to a fascist overthrow in response to your comment. But these types love to justify their choices even though they directly lead to an open fascist takeover of our country because BoTh SiDeS bAd because they couldn’t be bothered to engage in harm reduction and are ok with Gaza getting glassed and a probable trans genocide at home.
Fuck anyone who uses genocide to justify the situation where we now get more genocide, they never actually cared about it in the first place aside from talking points. Either that, or talk is more important than action. Either way, their opinions are meaningless to me as I help my trans homies survive.
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If you didn’t vote then you voted. Got it.
Silence is consent when it comes to politics. Always has been; always will be.
Correct. If you didn’t vote then you are spineless, a coward and lack any morals. You saw fascism coming and ignored what everyone said and then decided that it wasn’t worth the bare minimum effort of voting.
If you did not cast a ballot and you were eligible to do so then the things I want to say to you would get me banned from lemmy and probably arrested.
Correct. If you didn’t vote then you are spineless, a coward and lack any morals.
Not correct, if you didn’t vote you didn’t vote period.
People saying and persuading others to vote for murderers with blood on their hands are much bigger spineless coward with no morals.
Inaction is still a choice, so not voting means you’re ok with this. Voting or not voting, you still made your choice in November and here we are.
People saying and persuading others to vote for murderers with blood on their hands are much bigger spineless coward with no morals.
That’s the most bullshit argument to justify your shitty choices and is textbook DARVO. Not voting for the lesser murderer means we get an even bigger one who will actively increase the suffering, and it’s hilarious to me how you’re trying to pretend that voting to prevent more genocide is cowardly. But cowards love to pretend they’re not cowards and blame others when they don’t have the stones to make hard decisions. And lol, using morality to justify letting trump genocide people home and abroad shows you have none.
Inaction is still a choice, so not voting means you’re ok with this. Voting or not voting, you still made your choice in November and here we are.
The choice not to support a rigged as fuck system that needs to go for the sake of humanity. You are not supposed to vote for any murderer of any scale under any circumstances. When the choice is between two murderers it’s time for plan B
Was plan B sitting on your hands?
Plan B is not support the government
You sound like one of the idiots my grandfather tried to warn in Germany in the 1920s before he got the fuck out and came to America on forged papers on a Japanese fishing boat
And you sound like an idiot using a poor comparison to defend scum as bad as the nazis.
So lemme get this straight. The Democrats are the Nazis here, not the people literally throwing up a seig heil?
You really have no say in this conversation.
Most governments around the world are ruled by villains consumed by greed and lust of power. If you support and fuel a genocide you are bad on pairs as nazi regardless of your country or political agenda. The government of israel by definition can’t be nazi but they are committing crimes as the nazi were.
Nope. It is dead correct. If you were eligible to vote and you did not vote then you should feel horrible. You should feel attacked. You should feel like everyone hates you. They do. You decided that fascism wasn’t important enough to vote against. You decided to go “Well both sides suck” when one side was actively planning genocide and destruction of the United States.
You do not get to have a say. Why? Because you didn’t vote. You decided not to use your voice so guess what? You don’t get to have one here.
You can try to blame people who didn’t vote the red and blue party as much as you want but they are not going to feel horrible because they didn’t support any murderer. You seem to be projecting a lot of resentment perhaps deep down you don’t feel happy about your choice?
See previous comment.
You don’t vote? You don’t get to have a say in the conversation. You have willingly silenced yourself for the next 4 years. So sad for you.
That’s still a choice though.
K. That doesn’t explain your nonsense about “If you didn’t vote then you voted”.
It literally does. Your reading comprehension skills are not my problem.
It’s not my reading comprehension that’s at issue here, it’s your abilities with basic logic.
Ratio says otherwise. You are getting hammered with downvotes because you can’t grasp the simple concept that I put forward.
I mean my vote hasn’t mattered in the last 2 elections. My state hasnt flipped blue since Obama. There’s a lot of situations where voting is a waste of time. Making that not be true is what’s going to increase voter turnout, not trying to shame them for something they’re not responsible for
And if everyone in your state who thought that actually decided to vote then it might have actually made an impact.
See previous message.
Did you do anything to stop the violent ego maniac in the White House? No? Then you’ve cooperated with him.
You’re complicit in the result, correct.
Not engaging is also a choice, a very shit one in this case. You either contributed -1, 0, or +1 to a fascist takeover, sure 0 might be better than +1 but taking a neutral stance against such a dogshit prospect really puts the chair in armchair revolutionary, and doesn’t make you much better than the cheeto worshippers.
Just a not even remotely friendly reminder that if you are American, eligible to vote and didn’t vote for Kamala then you actively voted for this.
Don’t try to spin logic. The red and blue party were both and has always been unified in supporting the fascist israel government in getting rid of gaza. People who chose not to play the rigged show the US government put up with elections is doing way less harm to humanity than the ones actively voting and supporting murderers.
What’s the point of saying that here? If you’re an American who could vote and you’re on Lemmy there’s a 99.9% chance you voted blue. But even if that weren’t the case, all of this transpired while we had a Democrat in office, so it’s just a horrible continuation of an already existing trend